A new game Odyssey Etrian is teased by Atlus


Atlus decided to tease the fans of Etrian Odyssey with something new, and the starting point is that we do not know yet what that is. There will already be a lot of looks on the series this week since Etrian Odyssey X will be released on the 3DS, so it seems that the company has decided to capitalize on it and has unveiled a brand new trailer. A new game is on the way.

As you can see in this video, you see several tombs, followed by silhouettes of characters, and then an illuminated forest. If you're curious about the wording, many online fans have already pointed out that translated means "SQ, fetal movement" followed by the text "in the next step." According to some different posts on Twitter, the SQ is a contraction of "Sekai no Meikyuu ", which was the original name of the series.

Beyond that and some hints about the official Twitter account of the series, there is no information on the type of game that could be. Will we have a sequel on a console or a mobile application game? It's up to Atlus to tell us at this point.

(Last updated July 28, 2018 13:14 )

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