A new Pokémon with a nut for a head is a big mystery in "Pokémon Go"


Something new is happening in Pokemon Go.

A mysterious creature has appeared in the game and it's something that Pokemon fans have never seen before. It was discovered when a programming fan found an image and a reference to "Pokémon 891" in the game code.

The newcomer has the body of a ghost covered with leaves and a nut – the material, not the legume – for a head, with one eye looking through its central hole. There is no name and no one has been able to catch one (not exactly), but it is clear in the game now.

It's not that the nameless Pokémon can not be caught, but when players manage to catch one, they are greeted with a surprise. The nut-headed creature becomes Ditto, a formless purple blob Pokémon, unique in its kind, as it does not evolve like the others.

That's what several players have reported on the popular Pokemon Go subreddit. The poles also suggest that the new creature could come in and out in waves, appearing in abundance for short periods before disappearing.

None of this is confirmed, notice. everything is anecdotal at this stage. All observations appear to be related to the Chikorita Community Day events that took place in the Asia-Pacific and Europe regions. Officially or not, the number of fans reporting with similar stories suggests at least some of what is right.

The only word from inside the Pokémon camp so far is a tweet from Kento Suga, global marketing manager for Pokemon Go. And his message only adds to the mystery. (You can see what the newcomer looks like in the attached screenshot of Suga.)

What does all this mean? Nobody knows it yet. But it looks like Pokemon Go prepare a surprise.

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