A player asks the Xbox for a birthday gift on Twitter and has delivered them


An Xbox One owner who shared a birthday request with Xbox UK got his wish and got a free copy of Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

Twitter user GoodNaito tweeted on Xbox UK's Twitter account on Friday and told Xbox it was their birthday making a joke Shadow of the Tomb Raider Advertisements appearing on the Xbox Dashboard Not even 10 minutes after tweeting the message below, the Xbox UK account responded with its own tweet asking the user to check his posts.

By transmitting the news to Reddit to share Xbox UK's birthday gift proofs, the user created a post saying that they jokingly tweeted on their account but that their request was filled with a code for the game being sent in their direct messages. The user shared two photos, one of the initial tweet and the second a screen capture of the Xbox UK account message stating "Happy Birthday!" Before forwarding the message. Shadow of the Tomb Raider code.

I joked on Twitter by sending a tweet to the Xbox to ask him for a birthday present and they delivered me!

Giving a little more background to the story, the user who shared the images above on Reddit said that their Xbox One had been a "coping mechanism" for a few years when it was dealt with personal matters. After reaching 100% completion in The rise of the slayer and finish all the DLC of the game, Shadow of the Tomb Raider was the next online game that Xbox UK sent directly to their DMs.

It's a situation that works for everyone with the owner of the Xbox One by getting a free copy of the game for their birthday and Xbox UK gets some attention for the kind gesture. This will inevitably lead more people to tweet on Xbox while asking for a free birthday booty as they know it has worked before, but at least one person has received his wish.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

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