A weird bug of Samsung Galaxy? The phones quietly send photos to random contacts


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Some Galaxy owners are a little panicked after discovering the Samsung Messages application sent dozens of photos of their phone to some contacts all by themselves and without asking permission.

The bizarre bug was reported by concerned Galaxy owners last week on Reddit and the Samsung User Forum. Since Samsung Messages is the default email application on all Galaxy phones, it also affects some Galaxy Note 8 and Galaxy S9 owners.

A Galaxy S9 Plus owner said on Reddit that last week at about 02:30 the application Samsung sent his entire photo gallery to his girlfriend on a text message, but there is no had no record of messages in the folder sent.

However, unauthorized messages appeared in the newspapers of his American carrier T-Mobile

. of a T-Mobile subscriber with a Galaxy S9 on the Samsung user forum who complained that Samsung Messages became very buggy after the recent update of Rich Communications Services (RCS), SMS chat replacement Google and some operators

T-Mobile released the RCS Universal Profile update last week, but that was for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and the S7 Edge.

However, the report on Samsung's forum was only about scheduled messages sent at the wrong time.

Whatever the cause, the photos transferred have the potential to become a disaster, depending on what the photos are and who receives them.

Affected users reported only being aware of the photos sent. After the recipient has answered the messages. The problem seems to arise after updating the Samsung application.

Equally strange, another user whose Galaxy has sent photos to his girlfriend via Samsung Messages claims never to use this app with his girlfriend. may wish to disable the access of Samsung Messages to the storage of the device, but this also disables access to previous discussions, according to some. Users will then have to switch to an alternative application to send SMS messages, such as Android messages.

Samsung told ZDNet that it was aware of the bug reports and that it had looked into the problem in the last few days.

"However, no hardware or software problem was found relevant in this particular case, although there have been no known customer reports in the world, we will continue to investigate about this problem, "said Samsung

. Customers who may have questions or concerns to contact their local customer service center. "

T-Mobile said that this is not his problem.

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