A woman says the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 catches fire in her purse


Samsung's Galaxy Note 9 mobile phone, which is well known and ignored, burned spontaneously inside a woman's handbag on Long Island.

In what could be the first report of a note 9 that catches fire, the legal claim of real estate agent Diane Chung recalls the 2016 disaster of the South Korean company with the Galaxy Note 7, which was so often unloaded by Samsung.

Note 9, which costs about $ 1,000, was not supposed to have this problem, said Samsung officials before its release on August 24.

"The Galaxy Note 9's battery is safer than ever. Users no longer have to worry about batteries, "said CEO Koh Dong-jin, according to reports.

Another Samsung executive, Kate Beaumont, director of product planning, said the company has now put in place a "battery safety check" in several stages and that note 9 would "absolutely not take".

But just after midnight on September 3rd, Chung was in the elevator of a Bayside building when his brand new phone "became extremely hot," according to court documents.

She stopped using the phone and put it in her bag. Suddenly, "she heard a hissing and shrill scream, and she noticed a thick smoke" flowing from her purse, she says.

Chung put the bag on the floor of the elevator and tried to empty it, burning her fingers while she caught the Samsung smoking, says the suit.

Trapped alone in the elevator and "extremely panicked," Chung dropped the phone and began to break the buttons of the elevator, thick smoke making it hard to see.

As she reached the lobby, she pulled the phone from the elevator that sizzled.

The mobile did not stop burning until a good Samaritan took it with a rag and plunged it into a bucket of water, says Chung in the lawsuit of the Supreme Court of Queens.

The fire prevented him from contacting customers and ruined everything in his bag, says Chung, who described the experience as "traumatic."

Samsung should have known that the phone was "defective", charges Chung, who wants unspecified damages and a restraining order prohibiting the sale of any Galaxy Note 9.

Samsung, which did not respond to requests for comment, pinned the explosive batteries in Note 7 on manufacturing issues.

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