Alexa Research Get Getty Image Boost


Echo Show and Spot users will receive images of their queries through integration with Getty Images.

(CCM) – Amazon has reached an agreement with Getty Images that will see images from Getty's award-winning image collection integrated with Echo Show and Echo Spot search results.

If a user of one of these two devices asks for example to "Alexa, who won the best actress at the Academy Awards" or "Alexa, what is the capital of Uruguay", Alexa will be able to answer with photos of the winner. the red carpet or photos of the city of Montevideo, with a verbal response.

Echo devices will be able to take advantage of the catalog of 200 million digital images from the Getty Images library when they will provide answers to questions, but it is not certain that developers can also tap into the library of images to develop their skills.

It's also unclear whether Getty images will be available to Kindle Fire users who put their device in Show mode.

One of the criticisms that Echo Show and Spot have faced is that there are not enough compelling reasons for consumers to buy them rather than an Echo loudspeaker device. cheaper. Amazon hopes that agreement with Getty Images will solve this problem.

The deal may also give Amazon a competitive edge if, as it seems more and more likely, Google enters the market with a home based competitor for Echo Show and Spot devices.

Image: © Amazon.

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