All Tasks for Let's Go Meltan Special Research


A few months after his first appearance, Meltan officially arrived on Pokemon GO. Similar to the other legendary and mythical Pokemon, you can catch Meltan after completing the Meltan special search task before its end date.

Besides the ability to catch Meltan, successfully completing all the challenges will also reward players with a huge XP and in-game rewards such as Stardust and Rare Candy. Let's Go Meltan's special search is now available in Pokemon GO until November 27th.

Pokemon Go Search Mythical Meltan

All Meltan Special Search Tasks

You have 9 steps left to finish to familiarize yourself with the mythical Meltan.

Spot 1

  • Spin 5 Gyms or PokeStops
  • Catch 10 Random Pokemon
  • Transfer 10 random Pokémon

Total XP: 1500 XP

Reward: 1000 Stardust, 5 PokeBalls, 1 incubator

Task 2

  • Win 2 candies while walking with your Pokemon buddy
  • Make 10 big throws
  • Eclose 3 eggs

Total XP: 3000 XP

Reward: 2000 Stardust, 2x Lucky Egg, 1 Fast MC

Task 3

  • Catch a Ditto
  • Win 2 gym battles
  • Battle in 2 raids

Total XP: 4,500 XP

Reward: 10 large balls, 3 incense, 3 max returns

Task 4

  • Catch 5 Pokemon steel
  • Catch 5 Pokemon Electric Type
  • Earn 5 sweets while walking with your Pokemon buddy

Total XP: 6000 XP

Reward: 4000 Stardust, 5 Pinap Berry, 5 Rare Candy

Task 5

  • To evolve a grimer
  • Catch 5 Gulpin or Slugma
  • Make 20 big throws

Total XP: 7.500 XP

Reward: 5000 Stardust, 20 Great Ball, 5 Lure Module

Task 6

  • To evolve a magnemite
  • Catch 5 Exeggcute
  • Battle in 10 raids

Total XP: 9000 XP

Reward: 1 silver berry, 1 layer of metal, 10 ultra balls

Task 7

  • Evolve 1 Drowzee
  • Evolve 1 Scyther
  • Catch 1 Cubone

Total XP: 10,500 XP

Reward: 10 Ultra Balls, 1 Charge TM, 3 Premium Raid Pass

Task 8

  • Catch 2 Lileep or Anorith
  • Catch 2 Kabuto or Omanyte
  • Catch 1 Aerodactyl

Total XP: 12,000 XP

Reward: 8000 Stardust, 1 Star, Meltan Encounter

Task 9

After catching Meltan, you can now claim the rewards for completing all the special search tasks.

  • Already finished
  • Already finished
  • Already finished

Total XP: 13,500 XP

Reward: 9000 Stardust, 1 Super Incubator, 5 Meltan Candy

And that's all of Meltan's special search tasks. Meltan is now available on Pokemon Go, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee. Interestingly, you can now turn Meltan into Melmetal for only 400 candies.

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