All that has been announced during today's Nintendo Direct


Today, Nintendo has organized its first live presentation, announcing a large number of Switch and 3DS ports. Crossing of animals, and announcing that Luigi's Mansion 3 is in development for Switch.

It was a quick info-explosion, and easy to miss the real news among the things we already knew. Let's break it.

A new Luigi's Mansion the game is in development for Switch.

It is tentatively called Luigi's Mansion 3and seen how much I liked Black moon, I'm great here for that. Nintendo shares virtually nothing else about the game, but it's nice to see that Luigi is not dead, after all. But again, I mean that the game is about ghosts … maybe in the end we will find out that it was dead all the time.

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn comes on 3DS.

I never played that, but I heard it was wonderful. There will be new mini-games. I'm usually in wire based games, and this game is pretty charming so I do not mind commenting how much I would like this to happen to Switch, instead.

The story of Bowser also comes to 3DS.

He will understand The journey of Bowser Jr., which is a new adventure in the world of the original game. Bowser Jr. is bad, but these games are fun, so I'm torn. It will be January 11, 2019.

New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe just changed.

I have a weakness for these New Super Mario Bros. games, which should fit well into the Switch Library next door Super Mario Odyssey. The Deluxe Edition will include New Super Luigi U. It's January 11, 2019.

Katamari Damacy get a switch remaster.

Confession: I have never played Katamari Damacy. I know! It's a blind spot! The Switch port will use the switch's gyro controls and support multiplayer, and I can not wait to read it. Katamari Damacy relaunched went out this winter.

Nintendo shared more about their new Switch online service.

It will be released on September 18th and will support online gaming, classic NES games with online support and cloud backups (for most games, anyway). I hope you will not break your switch in the next few weeks. It will cost $ 3.99 for one month, $ 7.99 for three months and $ 19.99 for 12 months.

The switch gets a new NES style controller.

Controllers connect wirelessly with the Switch and work with all classic NES games.

You can also load them by tying them to the switch as Joy-Con. This gives the impression that your switch has big ears, lmao. They will be delivered in packs of two and will cost $ 60 and will apparently only be available to people with a Nintendo online account. They do not have a clear release date yet.

Game Freak makes a new RPG for Switch.

This is called City, which is a working title. It will protect a city of monsters, and will be released in 2019.

Cities: Skylines arrives at Switch … today!

People like this game, which took over Sim City fall. This seems to be the type of game that might work well on Switch if they can get the correct interface. The Switch version includes both published extensions.

As we knew, Civilization VI also comes to Switch.

We already knew this because of some announcements that were published soon after Nintendo initially delayed this direct broadcast, but that Civilization VI just changed. There will be a local four player multiplayer mode and it will be November 16th. I'm a little worried about how much a portable version of Civilization could dominate my life.

Final Fantasy World, will also be on Switch.

It's called World of Final Fantasy: Maxima, and goes out on November 6th.

Final Fantasy XII: The Age of the Zodiac it's … you guessed it! Coming to change

Oh man! I played a ton of that on PS4, but I'd love that on switch. It will be next year.

Final Fantasys VII, IX, X, and X-2 Remaster will all come next year.

This is a lot of Final Fantasy! It's probably more Final Fantasy that I can handle. I will start with XII and from there.

Crossing of animalsIsabelle arrives at Great Smash Bros. Ultimate.

At first I thought it would be all of their Crossing of animals news, but Nintendo was kind enough to follow this announcement with a Tom Nook-centric teaser for the Switch Crossing of animals, which will be released in 2019.

Couple Other things: We have a reminder that the original Luigi's Mansion will come to 3DS with a new two-player cooperative on October 12; safer Yo-Kai Watch Blasters » new content to come; Splatoon 2 still gets another set of maps and modes in Version 4; Mario Tennis Aces receives another update on September 19th with Birdo, Shy Guy, Koopa Paratroopa and Petey Piranha as playable characters; the Capcom Beat & Em Up Bundle present a bunch of classic Capcom games for up to 4 players; the switch gets table games like Carcassonne, The Lord of the Rings: The Living Card Game, and Pandemic, Munchkin, and Catan; switch port this fall The world ends with you will include new areas and enemies; The Chocobo Mystery Dungeon: Everybuddy has just changed this winter; and Warframe Switch hits on November 20th.

And that's about all! No sign of Resident Evil 4 or Metroid Prime HD Collection ports, but I suppose it will make me even happier when they finally announce them.

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