All you need to do before losing your phone


It's unfortunate the fact that the expensive handhelds we carry with us at all times are prime targets for thieves, while being very easy to leave in subway cars or coffee tables. Now that we all rely on our smartphones, stealing or misplacing them may seem like the end of the world. But it is not obliged, not quite. Here are the preparations you can make before the worst happens and what to do if it happens.

Enable remote tracking

Whether it's Android or iPhone, your phone will have a built-in tool that will allow you to track it from the web or another device. On (stock) Android, it's called Find my device, and you can activate it under the Security and location menu in Settings. On iOS, it's called Find my iphone, and of Settings you have to tap your name and then your iPhone to activate it.

You can then track your Android phone from any device you're signed in to with the same Google Account, or track your iPhone from any device you're connected to the same Apple account. You can also view the last reported location of your phone on the web by accessing your Google Account or iCloud Portal.

If you have lost your phone, you can see exactly where it has gone, although if it has been stolen, we do not advise you to hunt the thief yourself. You can also use Find My Device and Find My iPhone to remotely wipe your smartphone, which can help you protect your data, whether your device is gone or has been deliberately ripped off.

Protect the lock screen

Think of all the applications to which you are automatically connected on your phone: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, perhaps, plus your email accounts and maybe even a purchase account or two. The only barrier between these accounts and someone else who picks up your phone is the lock screen.

In this light, it is essential to set up a protection on the lock screen of your phone, that it is a PIN code, a reason, of a fingerprint or a face. You can find these options under Security and location in the Android settings, or Face ID and access code (or Touch ID and access code) in the iOS settings.

This prevents anyone from accessing your phone or extracting data from it, or at least makes it very difficult. These lock screen protections do not stop you from erasing your phone remotely, but you can always clear your phone by using Search My Device or Search My iPhone without actually having access to it.

David Nield

Back up your data

Whether you clear your phone or not, you should be prepared for the possibility of never seeing your smartphone again. This means that you have to back up your data elsewhere. Fortunately, your applications and the operating system of your phone can take care of it: Install Instagram on a new phone, for example, log in, and your account is where you left off.

To back up other data, such as system settings and application data, select the default backup system for your phone. On Android, go to Settings then press System, Advanced, and safeguard. On iOS, go to Settings then tap your name and then your device and then ICloud backup (if you have enabled iCloud on your device, what you should).

You can increase these backup solutions if necessary; Most apps automatically store files in the cloud, but think about the photos and videos you take on your phone. Apps such as Dropbox and OneDrive can automatically download them for you, or you can use the Google Photos or iCloud Photos options that came with your phone. Keep photos and videos in the cloud

Other preventive measures

If you think it's worth it, you can always subscribe to a telephone insurance. Most insurance companies will cover you for loss, theft and accidental damage for a relatively low monthly fee, which will vary depending on the cost of your phone.

To increase the chances of recovering your phone, you can leave a message on the lock screen, including your email address or other phone number. In the Android Settings menu, choose Security and location, then press the cog icon next to Screen lockthen Lock the message on the screen; from the iOS Health app, press Medical identification leave an emergency contact or two accessible from the lock screen.

If you use two-factor authentication to access your key accounts, you can use an application on your phone or an SMS code to identify you. Without your phone, it will be more complicated, so make sure you have set other access options in advance. In the case of Google accounts, for example, you can get a list of backup codes to use if your main two-factor method is compromised or set a secondary number.

If your phone is lost or stolen

These steps should help you greatly if you lose your smartphone. But there are some things you can still do even after you leave.

Contact your carrier (and maybe the police)

If your phone disappears or is stolen, your carrier should be your first call (although you will obviously need to borrow someone else's phone). The network operator can make sure that no one uses an invoice using your texts or call credits, or has tried to impersonate you with your mobile phone number. They can lock your SIM card and you will get another one.

If the phone has been pinched, connect it to the local police. The chances of getting your handset may be low, but they will be even thinner if the cops do not know that you are missing a phone. And if that happens, the police can return it to you.

Those of you who have taken out a phone insurance will probably need a crime number to make a claim as well, which is another reason to record the theft. And if you have insurance on your phone, you will of course want to contact the insurance as soon as possible.

Locate your device remotely

As mentioned above, you can use Find My Device or Find My iPhone to see where your phone is and disable it remotely if needed.

Whether you use the Android or iOS tool, the options are basically the same. If you have another Android or iOS device, you can use it to find your missing device. if not, go to the web and follow it. Again: do not face the criminal if your phone was stolen.

David Nield

You will see that you have options to ring the phone, if it is lost somewhere in the house. You can also lock the screen remotely, if you think it may have been unlocked when you left it or remotely wipe the device. This is the safest option make sure you have backups in place.

Check your accounts online

Even if you think your phone is well protected against unauthorized access, you should check your different apps and accounts on a laptop or other phone to make sure no one is accessing it.

Fortunately, most applications, especially those containing sensitive information, warn you of unauthorized attempts to access your account. On Facebook, for example, you can see the current connections on this page: if there is one that you do not recognize or if you see your phone stolen or lost in the list, you can click on the three points right and then on Connect – Out. Otherwise, click Disconnect from all sessions to delete any other device connected to your accounts. Many other online accounts allow you to do the same thing, including Google and Twitter.

If your phone is protected by a lock screen, you should not have to worry about access to your accounts, but prevention is better than cure. For even more peace of mind, you may want to change the passwords for your key accounts. So, if someone accesses your lost or stolen phone, it will still be locked.

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