Amazon Alexa App for iOS finally gets voice control: some things you can do


Amazon has updated the Alexa app for iOS devices to enable a missing key feature on the platform. Users can now take advantage of the voice control feature. ( iTunes )

An updated Alexa app from Amazon for iOS is now available and extends its features. Users confirm that voice control is now ready to use.

Delayed but delivered

Despite being late, Apple owners can finally take advantage of the hands-free control option of the intelligent assistant. This is a welcome change that supports the efforts of the online retailer to make its technology accessible on third-party devices. The reports remind that the company introduced the feature earlier on Android devices in January.

Meanwhile, developers have secured those on the operating system of the Cupertino firm that it will allow functionality soon. After months of waiting, the team finally delivered on its promise several months ago. Now users can take advantage of everything the application can offer as an alternative to the resident virtual operating system wizard.

Key Differences of Android

Now that voice control is finally working on iOS devices, users can start to compare it to the Android version. The technology industry is well aware of the security limits imposed by Apple on its mobile operating system and this is turning into a flaw with the Amazon Alexa application. This means that iPhone and iPad users can not change their default smart wizard, which locks them natively within reach of Siri.

On the other hand, the flexible platform of Android allows owners to configure the default virtual assistant. Therefore, the only way to bypass the built-in program is to open the Alexa application manually. Once activated, users can ask the AI ​​to perform tasks such as music playback, answer questions, intelligent home control and other compatible skills

almost everything, it seems that Alexa is leading in some markets. Industry observers have noted that the smart assistant from Amazon is available on several third – party products while the Google Assistant is getting closer with a significant number of devices. Apple's Siri is currently limited to devices running on iOS and macOS, just like Samsung's Bixby

By contrast, Amazon has not really gained a foothold in the mobile device market, currently dominated by Android and iOS. Therefore, its decision to make Alexa and all of its features available on these platforms seems like a great way to increase its presence.

Still, the new update gives Apple owners another reason to use the application other than to pair and configure Echo speakers. Earlier this month, developers have set up the smart wizard to allow people to play Skyrim: Very Special Edition which is technically Skyrim minus the graphics and gameplay with voice commands. Now: 30 Gadgets and Gifts for Father's Day 2018 Dad Will Think of Being Rad

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