Amazon cancels predictably Echo Spot orders after free registration


There is nothing like a free meal. Or a free Spot Echo.

Amazon canceled customer orders after the white version of the speaker was temporarily posted on its website for $ nil, down from the regular price of $ 129.

As TechCrunch notes, the black version of the device was priced at $ 99, a comparative offer at its usual price. But, of course, you can not beat a free Spot Echo.

As could be expected, the free Spot Echo quickly ran out, leaving those who had "bought" it hoping that Amazon would not catch up with the mistake . [19659003] But Monday, Amazon sent emails to customers who were trying to recover a free Spot Echo, informing them that their orders would not be filled.

"We noticed an error in an order that you recently passed and that you wanted to do Due to a technical error, the price of the Echo Spot that you bought on July 29, 2018 was incorrectly indicated, "the email read.

"Due to this error, we are not able to fill in your Echo Spot Order We apologize for any inconvenience this problem may have caused."

Well, guess that it was fun while it lasted.

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