Amazon Go Go Without Cash Register Opens in Chicago – TechCrunch


Now that Amazon has proven Go's efficiency with a trio of Seattle sites, the retail giant is starting to open its go-no-go stores at a brisk pace. New York and San Francisco are already on the horizon and the company has just launched a new store in Chicago.

An amazon ChicaGo, so to speak.

Open this week at 113 S Franklin St, the fourth Go store is the first to open outside Amazon's hometown. It's also one of six launches planned this year. Venture Beat notes that the store keeps fairly conventional weekday hours from 7am to 8pm, although unlike two other places, it will be closed on weekends.

For what is offered, this is the standard rate for convenience stores, including breakfast, lunch and dinner kits and hot items.

For the moment, the locations are developing largely thanks to the novelty of the limited human interaction. Instead of the standard cashier model, the store is based on tracking the camera and billing customers' accounts at the exit of the house, the product being in tow. The next step for Amazon is to demonstrate how effectively the model can be scaled up.

The actual role the company plans to play in the brick and mortar retail model remains to be demonstrated.

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