Amazon has announced the release of eight new Alexa devices before the end of the year


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Alexa. Did he do it?

The world could have a microwave activated by Alexa before the end of 2018 – yes, a microwave. According to a CNBC report, Amazon may be unveiling up to eight new Alexa devices before the end of the year. These include a microwave oven, a subwoofer, an amplifier and an "embedded gadget". The CNBC report says that an internal document from Amazon says the online retailer is revealing all or part of these devices at an event scheduled for later this month.

All rumor devices would have integrated Alexa or would have easy access to the virtual assistant (probably via an internet connection). While the microwave oven would be new, Amazon has already partnered with companies such as Sonos to manufacture Alexa-compatible amplifiers and other audio equipment. The company recently partnered with Garmin to make the Garmin Speak Plus, a dashboard camera that connects to Alexa for embedded voice commands.

It's unclear if the new devices will only be collaborations between Amazon and other technology makers, or if all devices will be manufactured and sold by Amazon. The company's Echo family has come a long way since the launch of the first Echo loudspeaker in 2014. At that time, last year, Amazon unveiled new members of the Echo family: the Spot Echo and the Echo loudspeakers up to date.

If the new devices are manufactured and sold by Amazon, they would be in direct competition with similar devices manufactured by Sonos and Garmin. But the competition does not scare Amazon – on the contrary, the distribution giant wants to have his voice assistant available in as many products as possible. The more Amazon products and internal partnerships can count for Alexa, the better.

More than other virtual assistants, including Siri and the Google assistant, Alexa has always been focused on the home. When the first Echo debuted, many made fun of the idea of ​​having a speaker at home with a virtual assistant. Now, a few years later, consumers have adopted other Alexa-compatible home appliances, including smart thermostats, televisions, door locks, vacuum cleaners, and security cameras.

It may seem ridiculous to have a microwave with an integrated virtual assistant, but this represents the natural progression of a technology like Alexa. Amazon targets the customers where they feel most comfortable and spend the most time, at home and in their car.

While many appreciate the convenience of Alexa, others remain concerned about always having a listening device at home. The problems associated with the virtual assistant range from spontaneous laughter coming from the Echo speakers to recording a private conversation and sending a message to a contact. Such problems could arise as Alexa infiltrates more devices and space in users' lives.

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