Amazon makes it easy to put Alexa pretty much


In case there are not already too many Alexa devices in your life, Amazon has released a Alexa Gadgets toolkit to help even more developers create Alexa-compatible products.

The Alexa Gadgets Toolkit is currently in beta, but relies on the ever-growing network of apps that can interact with Amazon's ubiquitous wizard.

Until now, most collaborative third-party products were in the home audio industry, pairing Alexa's skills with high-end audio IDs that you can not find in Amazon Echo, like in the Sonos One speaker.

The toolkit is likely to see Alexa spread through more casual and low-end devices. Amazon chooses cuckoo clocks and sings fish ornaments as products ready for the Alexa revolution. That we need Alexa in every appliance and that rejected novelty gift is uncertain, but you can bet that your last dollar is happening.

While potential applications are numerous, Amazon has identified the following starting points for budding Alexa developers:

  • Wake Word Detection: Answer when the word alarm clock is detected, a cuckoo clock that comes out when a customer says "Alexa"
  • Speech: Synchronize movement on text-to-speech, like a robot that syncs on the lips when Alexa reads the local weather report
  • The notifications: Respond to notifications, for example an indicator that fires whenever a notification is received
  • Timers: Responds when a timer has expired, such as an outside gong that sounds when the timer is over
  • alarms: Responds when an alarm has been triggered, for example a switch that releases dog food whenever an alarm has expired
  • reminders: Responds when the preset reminder is triggered, for example a pill box that plays a short tune and flashes when it's time to take daily vitamins
  • Music (coming soon): Create visual performances with music, like a hula girl who sways when songs are played on Amazon Music

Alexa, Alexa, everywhere

Since the launch of the first generation of Amazon Echo in 2015, Amazon has moved millions of Alexa-enabled devices around the world. It is not surprising then that third-party manufacturers are eager to get a share of the AI ​​pie.

Earlier this week, reports were released suggesting that the retail motorist was expanding its Alexa range with eight more smart home devices, with official announcements coming in the coming weeks.

Rumor has it that the new devices include a microwave to Alexa and a form of Alexa gadget for your car. The Echo range can also increase its audio references with a high-end audio system with AV receiver and subwoofer.

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