AMD plans to acquire 30% of desktop processor market share this year


According to the latest Taiwanese reports, AMD is considering a face-to-face battle with Intel, at least in terms of market share. As DigiTimes AMD plans to conquer 30% of desktop processor market share by the end of the year. Given the progress made by AMD processors in recent years, the proposal does not seem so superficial either. This information was shared by sources familiar with the subject. AMD wants to achieve this rather revolutionary goal by the end of the fourth quarter of 2018. Of course, AMD has many projects in this direction.

Since the beginning, AMD has been competing with Intel processors in many ways. For a variety of reasons – often based on market and production – AMD has not been able to keep pace with Intel. However, things have changed in the last two years, especially after AMD launched its range of Ryzen processors. These processors not only boosted AMD's sales, but also a critical reception not only for gaming but also for performance. It should also be noted that AMD processors are normally more affordable than those marketed by Intel.

As we said before, AMD has made many decisions for the return to be effective. Of course, many decisions exploit Intel's current limitations. For example, Intel has not been able to market 10nm chips. AMD, understanding the situation, is about to change this in the coming months. The company has also formed partnerships to ensure the best quality for chips without costing the maximum. That AMD succeeds in this front-line war is another thing, but this decision would create better competition in the processor market dominated by Intel.

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