Amnesty International expert leaves Google to "surrender" in China


In short: Machine Learning Specialist Jack Poulson has stepped down as a researcher at Google about the company's plans to "capitulate" against China – the Far East's censorship and surveillance practices. Ph.D. The incumbent resigned due to the Dragonfly project, a widely announced initiative to return Google Search to China nearly a decade after the company shut down the Chinese version of its engine to protest against censorship from Beijing.

Context: Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently told employees that the company had no immediate plans to relaunch its flagship service in China, but did not rule out the possibility of doing so in full. The departure of Mr. Poulson was reported shortly after a bipartisan group of legislators demanded direct responses from Google regarding his plans for China, stating his concerns about the Dragonfly project in a letter to the subsidiary of Alphabet. The 32-year-old Amnesty International expert, who officially left the company on August 31, expressed her concern about Google's willingness to cooperate with the communist regime in exchange for market access. number of employees because of the same problem.

Impact: A massive exodus from Google still seems unlikely, but with Project Dragonfly as a second secret initiative with dubious moral reasoning that has been unveiled over the past twelve months, one has to expect more activism from employees at giant of technology. None of this is likely to suit Washington, especially in the context of the Maven project – the other secret initiative in question to arm the AI ​​in cooperation with the Pentagon – being canceled due to internal pressure. Google may be worried in two weeks when the company's officials will be before a Senate committee at a hearing on digital privacy.

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