Analyst: Google should offer all US users a free mini speaker to stop Amazon


Amazon Echo Smart Speakers and Google Home, the most popular smart speakers in the US, are found in tens of millions of homes today, and things are only going to get warmer as the two tech giants are taking steps to bring Alexa and Google Assistant into each home.

It's not just about which speaker you choose to play music or set a timer, or even the sale of smart speakers. It can be said that conversational AI is becoming more and more reliable and robust, ie becoming a portal to streaming video services, streaming audio, web searches, shopping and one day home services. Morgan Stanley analysts, Brian Nowak, told Marketplace today that Google's parent company, Alphabet, should buy every household around the world. in the United States a smart home mini speaker $ 49. At a price of $ 3.3 billion, it could help the company compete with Amazon and multiply by five its profits in retail sales.

The drastic decision could be important, says Amazon, because Amazon is positioning itself on Google's market share.

Although this may seem like an exaggerated statement and something that could potentially increase people's fear of Big Brother's trends in big tech companies, it's not that crazy. .

In line with a previous estimate of $ 40 billion, Morgan Stanley predicts that voice shopping will be a $ 44 billion market by 2022 and that the majority of US households will have a smart speaker. In the area of ​​e-commerce, the Google Assistant Voice Assistance service works with the largest retailers in the United States, including Costco, Target, and Home Depot.

Pharmaceutical drugs are also on the verge of after the acquisition of PillPack today, a company that delivers pharmaceutical drugs, resulting in stocks for CVS, Walgreens and Rite-Aid, lost $ 12 billion of dollars.

The analysis by published yesterday calls for a growth in voice adoption. Noting that about 20% of American consumers have made purchases using their voices, usually to buy items worth less than $ 100 – everyday household items as well as the 39, electronics, games and clothing.

Google's market share in the United States, different trends can emerge in other parts of the world

A report released last month by Strategy Analytics revealed that Google Assistant was making gains on the Alexa's dominance in the market of smart speakers. According to the firm, Amazon has enjoyed 81% of global smartphone and Google market share of 12% in the first quarter of 2017. But Amazon's market share has dropped to 43% in the first quarter of 2018, compared with 26 %.

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