Analyst says PlayStation Classic will sell millions of dollars next to PS4


Since his official announcement at the beginning of the month, the PlayStation Classic has had some huge buzz for Sony. Although the system does not have a DualShock controller (or an AC adapter, it has to be purchased separately), this did not stop fans from grabbing pre-orders.

And an analyst thinks that the system will be a huge success this holiday season. Michael Pachter recently talked with GamingBolt about his expectations for the PlayStation Classic, and despite its shortcomings (not to mention the fact that the full list of games has not yet been revealed), he thinks he will sell "millions", depending on whether Sony can follow the hardware manufacturing expectations.

"There has been a lot of support for Nintendo Classic hardware, so I guess Sony will have similar success," he said. "They should be able to sell millions (about 1,200,000) without any problem if they choose to do as much. The price is right and the composition of the game is pretty good for this price. I would not be surprised if they sell 2 to 3 million of these holidays and a similar number a year as long as they choose to continue manufacturing. "

The release of the PlayStation Classic might hinder sales of PlayStation 4 hardware, but Pachter said it should not be a problem. "The target buyer of a PS Classic already has a PS4," he said, ensuring that games like Spider Man and God of the war keep the equipment moving at a good pace for the holiday season. (Not to mention that Sony will probably hold another big holiday sale just in time for Black Friday.)

There are always questions about the PlayStation Classic, such as when we will discover when other games will be revealed, but the system should easily become one of the essentials for the holiday season. We will let you know if we learn more before the publication of this publication.

The PlayStation Classic is expected to arrive worldwide on December 3, for $ 99 and 20 playable games, as well as two controllers. (Again, do not forget this AC adapter!)

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