Android apps move towards a whiter, rounder future


A roll of Google Design Sizzle, ready to titillate the upcoming Material Design update on the Android set, has surfaced to give us a glimpse of how Google plans to refresh the # Appearance of its own Android apps. Created by Adam Grabowski and Nicolo Bianchino, designers who have collaborated with Google in the past, the video shows conceptual images for the future of Google Photos, Google Maps and Gmail apps, among others. Ron Amadeo of Ars Technica did a great job of breaking down the changes and putting up the new prospective look against the existing one. As he notes, there are many generic elements in the designs, suggesting that they are far from being final – although the video was shot as a result of the advertisement, suggesting that 39; it probably contains at least a strong indication of the intention of Google

The biggest differences highlighted by the video are the rounded corners of each rectangle and the removal of plain colored blocks as design elements in Google's apps. Instead, the new Google Photos is getting closer to Instagram: spartan and minimalist in its interface with tons of white space. Probably too much white space. Gmail also loses its characteristic red banner at the top and seems to handle image attachments and long threads a little more elegantly. The video was captured by the team at before being hidden, and you can see it for yourself below.

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