Android phones in the United States can now provide accurate location data directly to emergency services.


The localization capabilities of US emergency services are unfortunately insufficient, we know a lot. What makes it all the more ironic, is that the most used devices to call 911 – smartphones – contain extremely accurate location data. How could it be difficult to use this data for such an important purpose? Hard enough that it has until now been necessary for Google to expand its faster and more accurate Emergency Locator (ELS) service in the United States. But hey, at least that's finally happened, and Google reports that it already saves lives.

Google announced ELS in 2016, making the service available first in Estonia and the UK, and gradually expanding to 14 countries worldwide. While current emergency solutions in the US use a cell phone tower location (up to several kilometers in length) or an assisted GPS (which uses satellite and cellular tower data, but may fail on the inside ), Google Maps. This includes cellular, GPS and Wi-Fi signals, as well as information from other sensors on the smartphone.

ELS takes this set of information more robust and uses it to set the location on the device, then sends it directly to the emergency services when a 911 call is made without going through the Google servers. Research giant Mountain View reports that its data decreases the average uncertainty range from 522 feet to 121 feet.

In all countries where ELS is available, Google is working with mobile operators and public safety organizations to provide this service, which is available on 99% of Android smartphones (anything running Android 4 or higher; separate update).

In the United States, the RapidSOS emergency technology company provides ELS locations directly to emergency communications centers via its secure platform, directly integrated with existing software centers. emergency in the United States.

Google's partnership with T-Mobile works the same way. When customers make a call, their Android phone can send their location to the emergency center. While T-Mobile already had a way to do it, ELS will help provide greater accuracy in a shorter time. Support is also available in the US Virgin Islands through a partnership with emergency technology company West and regional wireless provider Viya.

Google also notes that it will continue to expand in the United States and other regions and countries, which is excellent news given the steady increase in weather-related disasters, which is weighing on a system already in place. imperfect. ELS may have been slow to get here, but luckily it is now.

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