Android Pie on the Galaxy S9 to have a dark native theme, here's what it looks like


The Galaxy S9 should soon receive Android 9.0 Pie, and software versions of this device have already appeared online, allowing adventurous developers to load it on the side and test it on their own devices.

We've already had a complete preview of the software's next goodie, but more and more information about the next generation is coming up all the time, the latest one being a closer look at the new Night theme, a brand new feature introduced in one of the latest Android Pie betas.

Before detailing the night mode, a little pre-history awaits us. For years, Samsung has been using a pure white interface for most of its original applications by default, as well as basic interface elements such as the Notification / Failover Options pane and the main menu. configuration. Hordes of voice users have continually expressed the desire for a dark native theme to make their appearance and better utilize these first class AMOLED screens on the bridge. While this can be achieved with the help of custom themes, a dark native theme remains a pipe dream for Samsung users.

Well, no more, because Android Pie will apparently bring a clever switch of night mode in the application settings, which would allow users to switch between the classic bright theme and the new dark theme of a simple tap without having to look for the perfect theme repository theme interface.

The theme seems to affect almost all Samsung applications and interface elements in stock, including, but not limited to, the main parameter concentrator, notification nuance, and so on.

We should probably expect Samsung to release Android Pie soon for the Galaxy S9, S9 + and Note 9, probably in a month or two. Traditionally, Samsung users usually had to wait well in late December or late January in some extreme cases, but we hope that Project Treble will speed up things a little bit.

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