Another major mystery of Red Dead Redemption 2 has been solved


It's shocking to see the amount of things you can find in Red Dead Redemption 2. Heck, the Stranger missions, the legendary animals and the activities on the sidelines of the camp were already enough. But it seems like another major discovery has been made, and it's not what you expected. UFOs were one thing, but this is another.

To avoid you spoiling, we will remain vague with the details of this discovery. It's really worth seeing it until the end so that you can experience it yourself. The objective of this mission is quite simple: to find five mysterious writings scattered through Saint Denis. Once you have found all these, you will get a map that will show you an alley near the church in town. However, in order to trigger the event properly, you have to go at night. If you really want to know what it is, hover your mouse over the text below:

You find five mysterious writings that will inevitably lead you to search for a real vampire. Seriously. A vampire!

Below we detail the location of the five mysterious writings, as well as instructions on how to get to the lane through St. Denis Church. You can find the writings in any order, but for the sake of clarity, we have numbered them for ease of reading. Many accessories to Luke Lawrie steviror, who deserves all the credit to be able to discern these clues and find them all over the city. With odd things like this, it seems that the secrets hidden in Red Dead Redemption 2 are not lacking. If you have discovered something crazy, be sure to let us know in the comments below.

Index 1

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"I drink to the girl and I still live in death, the heart of the king of blood."

The first clue is located on the building, just above the second "N" at "Saint Denis" on the map. You will see it written on the wall of a red building with white doors.

Index 2

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"I'm feeding again, the blood of life, the circle has begun."

The second index is located near the Saint-Denis market, where the local barrier and trapper are. He is hidden in an alley behind a door where barrels are carefully stacked.

Index 3

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"Five bones under the perfect star, Nosferatu with Dominica will become mortal again."

The third index is near the butcher and the general store, southwest of the city. It's on the other side of the shops, nestled under an overhang.

Clue 4

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Oh, sweetest of nape, let your blood stay forever on my lips. Six will be there before covetousness is filled. "

The fourth clue is directly north of the post office, nestled in a corridor. Look at the photo above to trace a path to its locations.

Index 5

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With a long kiss, I draw her life and wait for the outpost of the day ahead. "

The final index is on another wall of the building on which the previous index was written. You just have to head north to get there, but you will probably have to go around the building to reach it. This complex of buildings is a bit of a labyrinth but stay there and you will eventually find it.

The great revelation

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As stated above, you will get a card once you have collected all the clues. It's a bit vague in the direction he's trying to steer you, but eventually you're trying to head for a lonely alley west of the Butcher General Store. However, the special event will not be triggered until the night. So be sure to advance the time in the local lounge. Once night falls, head to the alley and get ready for a bizarre event that exceeds expectations.

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