Apple 2018 Highlights on MacBook Air and Mac Mini


Critics of the new MacBook Air and Mac mini 2018 were released this morning before the launch tomorrow. In a press release, Apple has presented this afternoon reviews of several media sites able to spend time with new machines.

Apple has shared reviews of sites including CNBC, Cable, Bold fireball, PC Mag, Six colors, Tom's Guide, and more.

Bold fireball, for example, called the MacBook Air the MacBook that "most people should buy", and the Daily Express The "fans of this laptop" will love this new update because "the concept of power and ultimate portability goes to a whole new level".

Speed ​​Patrol say it Macbook Air is "the perfect computer" for anyone looking to do "normal things" like browsing the web, answering e-mails and watching movies, while Raffinerie29 pointed out Macbook AirThe battery life of 12 hours.

As for the Mac mini, Six colors said the new update allowed it to meet a wide range of needs, from basic server needs to "high-end applications requiring a large amount of processor power."

Tom's Guide said that the Mac mini is the best option for those who want a compact Mac desktop for streaming media content or to enter the Apple computer, and ZDNet said the new version is "designed for all types of users" and "no longer serves a niche market".

As with previous analyzes of devices such as the iPad Pro, Apple has only highlighted the positive elements of each criticism. For those who are considering buying one of these machines, it should dive deeper into the reviews to get a complete picture of the pros and cons.

Complete list of Apple Mac mini and Macbook Air You will find selections of reviews in the article shared in the Apple Press Room. Additional reviews are available in Mac mini and MacBook Air reviews.

The new 2018 Macbook Air and Mac mini the models will be officially launched tomorrow and basic configurations will be available at Apple retail stores and third-party retailers.

The first machine pre-orders are also expected to be delivered on 7 November and have already started arriving in Australia and New Zealand.

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