Apple accused of censoring the Taiwan flag in China


If you are in China and you are using iOS 11, try sending an emoji from a Taiwan flag to someone else. You might find something strange: it does not work.

This is what claims security researcher Patrick Wardle who recently explored Apple's mobile operating system to see why a friend's phone was getting stuck every time . to someone else. He discovered, after digging into Apple's code, that iOS 11 was blocking emoji in Apple's own iMessage, as well as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger messaging applications. The phone would also stop working when people hit Taiwan.

In a blog post, Wardle explained in technical detail how it worked. Essentially, if you set the language or location settings of your iPhone or iPad on China, or "CN" on the side of the code, the operating system will prevent the display of flag emoji from Taiwan. If the operating system settings are set to another country or region, the flag is allowed.

Wardle dug a little deeper and found on Emojipedia, a site that follows emoji, an April story to have access to Taiwan 's emoji. Wardle is also linked to a MacRumors forum, where iPhone users have complained about not being able to use Taiwan's emoji in China.

So, what's going on? It's hard to say. But politics – and Apple's relationship with China – could play a role.

Taiwan, of course, is autonomous and considers itself independent of mainland China. However, the Chinese government has long wanted to take control of Taiwan. The United States, among many other countries and international organizations, will not recognize Taiwan as an independent state.

Meanwhile, China is one of the most important markets for Apple. And given China's relationship with Taiwan, the company could appease the Chinese government with its flag blockade.

"Does Apple really add code to iOS to appease the Chinese government?" Asks Wardle in his blog. "Of course!"

Apple did not immediately respond to a Fortune request for comment.

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