Apple also refutes the Bloomberg report suggesting that Chinese spies be handled with iCloud servers


Apple has made unusual efforts to completely and definitively refute a Bloomberg Businessweek article that suggests today that Chinese spies have planted chips on Chinese-made Supermicro server motherboards used by Apple in its facilities.

After the publication of the article, Apple issued a very strong statement calling BusinessweekThe report is inaccurate, with no evidence to support the claims, and this afternoon, Apple went further and issued a full rebuttal on its website.

Apple's press release includes the same statement as originally provided to Apple. Bloomberg Businessweek, as well as additional information that the company claims to have shared with Bloomberg Businessweek before the publication of the article on the server.

While Bloomberg BusinessweekAccording to the report, Apple reportedly reported to the FBI the alleged microchip incident in 2015, Apple told the news site unequivocally that no one from Apple had ever contacted the FBI, and Apple had never heard of an FBI investigation.

Apple also said Bloomberg Businessweek despite "many discussions" between teams and organizations, no one at Apple had heard of the supposed microchip investigation.

Apple's updated statement states that Apple is not subject to any confidentiality or confidentiality obligations, and makes it clear that the report is "completely false" and that no malicious bullet has been found in Apple's servers. The complete supplementary declaration is below:

The story published by Businessweek also states that Apple "reported the incident to the FBI but kept details of what it detected, even internally." In November 2017, after the presentation of this allegation for the first time, we provided the following information to Bloomberg as part of a long and detailed recorded response. He first addresses the unsubstantiated claims of their journalists about a supposed internal investigation:

Despite numerous discussions within several teams and organizations, no one at Apple has ever heard of this survey. Businessweek refused to provide us with information to trace the alleged procedure or conclusions. Nor did they demonstrate that they understood the standard procedures that would have been circumvented.

No one from Apple has ever contacted the FBI about something like that, and the FBI has never told us about an investigation like this – let alone tried to restrict it.

In an appearance this morning at Bloomberg Television, reporter Jordan Robertson said in another statement about the alleged discovery of malicious chips: "In the case of Apple, we understood that it was a random check of some problematic servers that had led to this detection. "

As we have already informed Bloomberg, this is completely false. Apple has never found malicious chips on our servers.

Finally, in response to questions we have received from other media outlets since Businessweek published its article, we are not subject to any kind of gag order or other confidentiality obligations.

Apple's initial statement, available below, was shared this morning after Bloomberg Businessweek published his article claiming that Apple had discovered illegal microchips in the motherboards of its Supermicro server, able to inject code or provide instructions to the CPU with the ultimate goal of providing the Chinese government with a access to "valuable business secrets and sensitive government networks".

Bloomberg Businessweek claimed to have spoken to officials with knowledge of the investigation, which, according to Apple, did not occur at all.

Over the past year, Bloomberg has contacted us several times to point to claims, sometimes vague and sometimes complex, about an alleged security incident at Apple. Each time, we conducted rigorous internal investigations based on their investigations and each time, we found absolutely no evidence supporting them. We have regularly and regularly offered factual answers, refuting virtually every aspect of Apple's Bloomberg story.

We can be very clear about this: Apple has never found malicious chips, "hardware manipulations" or vulnerabilities created intentionally on a server. Apple has never had any contact with the FBI or any other agency about such an incident. We are not aware of any FBI investigations, nor are our contacts in the field of law enforcement.

In response to the latest version of Bloomberg's story, we present the following facts: Siri and Topsy have never shared servers; Siri has never been deployed on servers sold by Super Micro; and Topsy data was limited to about 2,000 Super Micro servers, not 7,000. None of these servers ever managed to contain malicious chips.

Typically, before the servers go into production at Apple, they are inspected for security vulnerabilities and we update all firmware and software with the latest protection. We did not discover any unusual vulnerabilities in the servers we purchased from Super Micro when we updated the firmware and software in accordance with our standard procedures.

We are deeply disappointed that, in their dealings with us, Bloomberg reporters have not been open to the possibility that their sources or sources are false or misinformed. Our best guess is that they confuse their story with a previously reported incident in 2016, in which we discovered an infected driver on a single Super Micro server in one of our labs. This one-off event was deemed accidental and not a targeted attack on Apple.

Although no one has claimed that customer data was involved, we take these allegations seriously and want users to know that we are doing everything we can to protect the personal information they have entrusted to us. We also want them to know that what Bloomberg reports about Apple is inaccurate.

Apple has always been transparent about how we treat and protect data. Should an event such as Bloomberg News ever occur, we would be open about it and we would work closely with the forces of order. Apple engineers perform regular and rigorous security checks to ensure the security of our systems. We know that security is an endless race and that is why we are constantly strengthening our systems against increasingly sophisticated hackers and cybercriminals who want to steal our data.

With Apple, Bloomberg Businessweek have claimed that other companies, such as Amazon, have also been affected. Amazon has also released a similar refusal. According to Amazon, the report is false and Amazon has never found any problem "relating to modified hardware or malicious chips contained in Supermicro motherboards". In addition, Amazon did not participate in a government-led survey.

Supermicro also denied all reports and said it was unaware of investigations on this topic.

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