Apple and the aggressive deployment of its vision iPhone XS for the future


Last year, Apple introduced a new "revolutionary" iPhone X as if it were a futuristic concept car, alongside the more typical advances of the iPhone 8. The new X was meant to show the vision Apple for the future of mobile devices. This year, this future has arrived and has spread to become the new standard, fully leveraging the role of Apple with the 3D TrueDepth camera.

iPhone Xs

Apple's unique ability to sell new technologies

Over the past year, Apple's big investment in front-end depth camera technology has paid off. The components and technology that Apple has pieced together in a series of acquisitions have resulted in the TrueDepth sensor family and the support for face tracking and augmented reality in iOS. These have been successfully packaged as key sellers of the iPhone X.

Rather than being presented as a potentially usable new material in the same way that Google thought its new silicon Pixel 2 would one day make new magic tricks, Apple's new iPhone X tech is used in photography computational – enhancements such as Portrait Selfie, Facial tracking in the Animoji and Memoji avatars as well as look detection, as well as secure biometrics of face recognition for phone unlocking and approval of Apple Pay app purchases and transactions.

The buyers understood what they were spending money on. This was not a credulity in a promise or bet on a new device like Andy Rubin's Essential.

The iPhone X legitimately offered features that can be demonstrated in an Apple Store and used immediately after buying one. And, a year later, we could assume that Apple would develop and commercialize more new features in iOS 12, and more in iOS 13, because Apple has been supporting its hardware for years, unlike Windows Phone, Android or from any other mobile platform.

Apple's ability to use raw technologies (formerly used and experimented by others, including Microsoft's Kinect and Google's Tango), finds realistic, valuable, and marketable applications, and turns them into products of the world. 39, shipping at affordable prices. to adopt – is wildly unrecognized.

Rather than seeing Apple's ability to turn hay into gold (as has been done with HDR, Siri, Touch ID, Beats and many other acquisitions), critics have compared Apple's series at a movie studio likely to drop a flop. movie.

Just before the latest introductions of Apple products, CNBC republished his rag device worn out of the "previous Apple flops", for which he had to return to the computer dawn in 1980 for the Apple III, the 1983 Lisa, and the l & # 39; Dark Mac TV, a semi-launched product from 24 years ago.

CNBC had to dig in the 80s to find Apple flops on the order of Google Pixel 2 from last year

When Google tries to mimic Apple's launches for its Pixel brand products, no one can go back to its non-existent history in the 1980s to list things that have not been sold. But they do not have to do it. Over the last decade, every Google Nexus and Pixel device has been a disaster that has not had a discernible impact on the market. This included last year 's Pixel 2, a mega flop that was acclaimed by the media, even though it claimed little more than the features of the previous year' s iPhone. , offered at a price that no one on Android could afford.

Despite the introduction of a series of significant breakthroughs in the way users use smartphones, Apple has been harassed for not being "revolutionary" in an industry that is just getting by for copy the innovations of Apple.

That's not to say that Apple is the first to introduce new ideas. In fact, Apple is often not the first (as I have often detailed previously). Rather, it is the first to successfully implement the technology that people will pay for. And that's why Samsung, Google and others
Android license holders are looking to copy Apple so brutally. Their own novel ideas have not been sold successfully, while Apple did.

So it's interesting to see how Apple has deployed new technologies to see why it has succeeded, unlike its competitors. Think, for example, of the first Android fingerprint sensors, Android phones with 3D screens, Google Pay NFC technology, recognition of wrong images, curved screens and many other poor technologies. deployed or questionable.

One of the ways in which Apple has introduced new technologies in a unique way involves its secrecy as a society. For the iPhone X, Apple has developed many of its technologies in complete privacy to the point of proposing narrowly defined applications, instead of introducing a wide range of partially-finished features with uncertain value.

There is no iPhone 9

There are different ways to introduce a major new technological change. In 1997, when Steve Jobs was working on the modernization of the Mac operating system using advanced NeXT software, Apple announced plans for a future "Mac OS X" when it only offered MacOS 7.6 . In the meantime, he introduced two major updates of the status quo (Mac OS 8 and 9) before launching his new product under the X brand, four long years later, in 2001. It took several more years for Mac OS X becomes the mainstream Mac experience.

Mac OS X has finally become the most important platform of Apple and paved the way for iOS. But its difficult deployment took a long time to arrive. Fortunately, the main competitors of Apple were not ready. Today, Apple 's much larger resources have made deployment of updates faster, as time to market has become increasingly important.

The world of technology has also been asked to wait for many years to get updates from other companies. At the end of 2006, Microsoft finally delivered Windows Vista 6.0, stalled for more than five years, after Bill Gates initially announced promises for new advanced features "Longhorn" (most of which never materialized). in 2001.

Several years later, Microsoft was still struggling to convince Windows XP users to adopt Windows 6.x, which it gradually marketed under the Windows 7 and Windows 8 marketing brands. In 2015, Microsoft ignored Windows 10 ( which also increased internally to the "Windows 10.0" version), eventually overtaking Apple digitally after fifteen years of negative comparison with Mac OS X from Apple.

This year, Apple also jumped a generation "iPhone 9", but under different circumstances. Rather than just announcing plans for a future new "X" platform in iPhones, Apple did the work ahead in secret, and then released it to its audience's surprise last year. at his first event at Steve Jobs' new theater of Apple Park. .

Apple CEO Tim Cook has described his new support for Face ID using an all-new 3D TrueDepth front-facing camera system that also allows the detection of an all-new hardware design with an OLED edge design on board, with rounded corners and a notch never before seen in a commercial product.

Many of its new features (including induction charging and its advanced A11 Bionic processor with silicon Neural Net, a new Apple GPU and an advanced memory controller) have also been shared with the more conventional line of the iPhone. iPhone 8 introduced simultaneously. This suggests that Apple could continue to advance both iPhone forks, introducing both a classic iPhone 9 and a new iPhone 10+ this year.

Instead, Apple has doubled its iPhone X, creating a faster and better "S" model and a larger "S Max" version. And rather than continuing the past, she has locked old iPhone designs and introduced a new entry-level X model at a lower price using an LCD and an aluminum frame, at a price similar to that of the iPhone 8. model 9, Apple released the iPhone XR.

Note that Apple has never released 7S or 8S; by jumping 9 (and 9S!), Apple has now reached "X" faster than Samsung, which was increasing its Galaxy lineup version each year, rather than following Apple's pace with the intermediate S models. Note that Apple is not content to reach X, it is now on a portfolio of models X: XR, XS and XS Max. It's only marketing, of course.

New 2018 Touch ID is an iPhone Nein!

Despite the harassment, the iPhone X took the world by storm, forcing Android to try to copy it

A year ago, critics (basically everyone) were looking at its $ 999 entry price, wondering aloud who would pay $ 1,000 for a cell phone. What's more, millions of people were already paying so much for more expensive versions of the iPhone 7 Plus, or this iPhone was not just a cell phone but also the main personal computer of millions of people, their main camera and their staff. entertainment system.

Ten years ago, the $ 999 price of the iPhone X would not have bought a state-of-the-art camera, a handheld, a personal audio player, a portable television and a cell phone. The addition of inflation and the price of the iPhone X from last year would hardly have bought the original iPhone and the iPod used in 2007, or not quite an entry-level Mac in 2000.

But the experts were desperate to find a new reason why Apple's latest strategy was dangerously on the verge of failure after spending so many years sneaking down their old secret about how the company "could not innovate." The remaining competitor was a range of Android clones that were just as exciting as the egg-gray, with an ASP falling faster than Android tablets or Windows PCs.

And so they targeted the iPhone X as "breathtaking", establishing the logic of assigning sales to cheaper models. This is exactly the opposite of what happened. Apple itself has introduced its cheapest iPhone, the improved OS, which has attracted so little attention that the company has abandoned it this year. The iPhone 7 of the older generation at attractive price of Apple has also been sold by the iPhone X. The iPhone X has remained the best selling smartphone throughout its first year on the market, establishing Apple's seemingly risky move as being incredibly efficient and extremely profitable.

And even the iPhone 8, which was both cheaper and virtually identical (which made it very attractive for buyers of the commercial fleet of the company who naturally hesitated to use the brand new model of Face Face). do not outclass the iPhone X worldwide.

Rather than being relegated to a niche "concept" category with high-end Sony phones or other experimental or halo devices (including Apple's "Edition" watch models), The iPhone X remains the best-selling smartphone building the ostensibly risky move of Apple as being incredibly efficient and extremely profitable.

After a wave of criticism and sarcasm on the part of competitors and their supporters, the entire ecosystem of Android was aligned, at least superficially, on the "notched" design of the iPhone X, hoping that its customers would not realize in the corners, that their front camera did not really work the same way and that their Android operating system did not really manage the memory well.

Apple is on X

Apple now offers a much wider range of iPhone X models, covering a much wider price range (from the $ 750 entry price of the XR to the more expensive XS Max model that costs $ 1,300 or more).

The colorful and cheaper iPhone XR will probably spark a lot of interest, a more affordable iPhone X. However, many opponents who waited for the purchase of an iPhone X last year were users of iPhone 6 to iPhone 8 Plus interested in a larger screen. They are used to paying a premium for a big phone.

This suggests that a significant amount of pent-up demand will focus on the even more expensive XS Max, which may further increase the overall cost of ASP, if not simply control it. the manufacturer can find the request to.

Regardless of the specific product mix (which Apple will not disclose for competitive reasons), Apple is now able to use its most advanced iPhone X product group to increase unit sales with a cheaper and less expensive model. to build. buyers up in more expensive models (including the new Max and the new 512GB capacity level, newly supported by the A12 Bionic storage controller).

iPhone Xs Xs Max

And for all the speculation of analysts who suggested that Apple was certain to have to go back to Touch ID and place a fingerprint sensor in its new X model, it's clear that the original story of Apple was accurate and the analysts were wrong. The roadmap of Apple's iPhone is moving in a strong direction, not progressing parallel to a "Classic" incremental model that lacks essential features for the future of the iPhone platform.

This is an even more aggressive change to the future than what has happened with the previous changes, for example, how Lightning took several years to replace the old Dock Connector on the Apple's product line, or how the iPhone 5 has been – the A7 chip of the iPhone 5c in 2012, or how the latest major revolution of the iPhone 6's design is accompanied from a more compact iPhone 5s, to iPhone SE model for four years.

Kill the false story of the price and demand of the iPhone X

During the past year, top-level journalists have the Wall Street newspaper, Nikkei, and Bloomberg made up of multiple false and parallel stories that claimed that Apple's new iPhone X did not offer enough new "innovations" to interest buyers and was far too expensive to sell in significant quantities – the opposite of the reality.

They put their reputation on the line to launch a story that could have been true, if their logic had been grounded in reality rather than just inventing conjectures. They are not just analysts spitting out invented ideas, hoping that some of their thoughts would end up looking smart after the fact. They were journalists who falsely presented their writings as factual professional journalism – reports and not invention.

To the surprise of many, they were completely wrong, because the iPhone X has left the doors of the larger models of Apple, more affordable (including the iPhone 8, fast and wireless, and the iPhone 7, much cheaper). -ever iPhone SE).

However, after the first quarter of the holidays, the editors of these newspapers continued to print articles suggesting that they had researched or commented on iPhone X sales and had discovered problems with the current demand. . They also created reports suggesting that Apple was reducing the production of the iPhone X, creating waves that they claimed to have observed at Apple's suppliers.

But these reports were false. And they were repeated anyway. These were not accidents or mistakes. They were wrong and they seemed malicious, without being wrong.

Rather than reporting what was actually happening based on facts and research, these institutions were just concocting stories of what they hoped for, or perhaps guessing, to happen on the basis of what they were doing. absurdities and murmurs. None of these people recognized these false reports.

The reporting of the the Wall Street newspaper, Nikkei, and Bloomberg One can no longer rely on them to be precise, impartial and honest, especially when they attack Apple and report what they imply to be facts seen in the supply chain of the company. ; Apple. They could not have been more wrong and still have not explained why they published fantasies as factual data from so-called "familiar" people with what was really happening.

If these writers occupied another post and made an error of this magnitude, they would have been fired for incompetence. They continued to transmit a story quarter after quarter, as it was wrongly proven and repeatedly publicly that they maintained all the time that they had a particular insight or access to the area that they had obviously not at all.

This year, while Apple is preparing to launch its second-generation models of iPhone X, the hyper-review of its mix of units and the artificial supply chain of Analysts and these disgraced journalists should have even less impact on the perception of Apple's business. .

It does not matter what the Android developers support and insist. Apple has never had more power in the market and influence on the future of technology. And Android has never been so boring.

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