Apple bought Spektral, a green screen machine-learning startup


Apple has quietly bought Spektral, a Danish machine learning startup that specializes in real-time green screen technology. The $ 30 million deal actually happened last year Børsen. Apple has been focusing on AR capabilities, and this latest acquisition may be meant for the iPhone's AR features for Memoji or FaceTime or as a part of its plans for an augmented reality headset, which Bloomberg reported may be coming in 2020.

Spektral, who came from the name CloudCutout, uses machine learning and computer vision techniques to "cut out" people from video backgrounds in real time on smartphones. "Combining deep neural networks and spectral graph theory with real-time computing (60 fps) directly on the device," the company explained on its website.

It's definitely not the first start-up Apple has bought, the company has acquired a string of computer vision companies in the past. Apple acquired German eye-tracking tech company called SensoMotoric Instruments in 2017 Akonia Holographics last month. Apple usually does not accept it, but it's clear that Apple believes in the promise of emerging AR technologies.

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