Apple completely overhauls the Google Maps application with the help of its own data


Apple Maps is undergoing renovation. Apple is rolling out new Maps data for those who are enrolled in the iOS 12 Beta program, which will ultimately reach all versions of iOS. ( Emmanuel Dunand | AFP / Getty Images )

In the world of technology, Apple Maps has been sort of a joke. The dream of former CEO Steve Jobs to create a 3D map seemed commendable at first, but it soon turned into reality, and imperfections quickly crumbled.

It is so abysmal that it was used as a punchline in one of ] episodes of Silicon Valley . In this hilarious moment, the fictional CEO of a large company, Gavin Belson, listens to very negative responses for his new compression application, trying to compare it with some of the most notorious failures in the world of technology for to have an idea of ​​"

" How bad is it, be honest? Is Windows Vista bad? This is not iPhone 4, is not it? F *** Do not tell me Zune is bad, "he says.

"I'm sorry Gavin, that's wrong Apple Maps," says one of his colleagues, discouraged

He even reached a point where the current CEO of Apple, Tim Cook , is excused download Google Maps instead, probably to avoid further humiliation.

Apple Maps Overhaul

Apple is finally ready to move on. New reports now indicate that the company is preparing to introduce a completely revised Maps application in the United States over the next year, with new data that it has acquired by itself.

The new Maps data will be rolled out to people enrolled in the iOS iOS 12 first, as TechCrunch notes. In the end, it will be deployed to all users of San Francisco and the Bay Area. Then, in the fall, it will cover all of Northern California, and eventually, it will appear on all versions of iOS.

Apple got its data from vans equipped with sensors that circulated all over the country for several years and on iPhone. The new Google Maps app will also embed traffic data when users open the app, but Apple will do so anonymously, so privacy should not be a problem.

With the redesign, Apple relies on its proprietary map data from third-party mapping services, such as Google or TomTom. This is a major change because the third party cards have been largely created since its launch in 2012.

Apple Maps Visual Changes

The update also includes some essential aesthetic changes, including greener areas for parks and woods. Detailed waterways, and more meticulously drawn street paths – all to make it easier for users to read maps. This is not a complete redesign, however, as TechCrunch notes. Even so, it will look radically different once it has gotten more detailed data.

It is not entirely certain that Apple intends to compete with Google Maps, as this would obviously be a big deal. While it's true that years and years have gone into improving Google Maps, it's possible that it's trying to reverse Google's reign in the map department. I hope this will not turn into another joke Silicon Valley after all that.

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