Apple Diagnostic Software Blocks Third-Party Repair of 2018 MacBook Pro and iMac Pro


In a move that essentially puts the kibosh on third-party repairs, Apple with its latest Macs has implemented a feature related to the T2 security chip that disables a host machine unless specialized diagnostic software is used to replace hardware.

The Apple T2 chip, as in iMac Pro. | Source: iFixit

Detailed in an Apple document distributed to authorized service providers last month, the modified repair procedure requires the execution of an exclusive "system configuration" software after the replacement of certain hardware components. Motherboard reports.

Called Apple Service Toolkit 2, the program works with the Apple T2 security chip, featured in the MacBook Pro 2018 and iMac Pro.

The suite includes the Mac Resource Inspector and tools that examine various computer systems, including memory, display, power adapters and cooling system, the publication says, citing the document of repair. To ensure that only authorized personnel use the toolbox, Apple requires authenticated access to its Global Service Exchange (GSX) network.

"For Macs equipped with the Apple T2 chip, the process of repairing some replacement parts is not complete before the execution of the AST 2 system configuration suite. Failure to follow this step will result in an inoperative system and incomplete repair, "says the internal document reads, according to Motherboard.

The software is reserved for Apple Authorized Service Providers, which means that Apple has effectively blocked third party or home repairs of major components. However, all hardware changes do not comply with the new policy.

According to the publication, repair centers must use the software when replacing the entire screen, top-case, logic board or Touch ID card of a MacBook Pro. The same is true when you swap the logic board or flash storage of an iMac Pro, the latter being particularly problematic for users seeking to increase their embedded capacity.

The news of the new protocol is expected to revive suspicions of "planned obsolescence" strategies, Apple and Apple alone controlling repairs made by Macs bearing the number T2. The company may, for example, stop receiving repair assistance for said machines when they reach the end of life, forcing customers to buy a new machine.

Apple's policy will not fail to raise concerns about advocates of the so-called "right to repair" legislation being prepared in several US states. The laws seek to compel high-tech companies like Apple to provide consumers and third-party repair centers with access to repair information, diagnostic equipment and parts.

It is not clear whether Apple can retroactively revoke AST 2 policies via a firmware update, but the operating restrictions depend on the T2. Introduced with iMac Pro, the silicon designed by Apple integrates multiple system controllers, including those that govern audio and SSD players, as well as the Mac image signal processor on a single chip.

As part of its mass memory management tasks, T2 encrypts and decrypts user data. In addition, in accordance with the AST 2 repair policy, the chip validates the entire boot process.

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