Apple does not take chances with commercials, is also 'vanilla' says the former director of advertising


Ken Segall, creative director of Chiat / Day and collaborator of "Think Different" and other notable Apple campaigns, questions about the branding and advertising of the company. company and accuses the current creative team of giving "vanilla" advice to Tim Cook.

  Ken Segall with Steve Jobs and others

Speaking in an interview with The Daily Telegraph as cited by Business Insider Segall argues that Apple is missing today this aura that Steve Jobs has created, which has made the customers "eager" for the products of the company.

"Steve Jobs' move has created a completely different approach to marketing, the results of which can be seen," Segall said. "As a marketer, I look at this and I can see the difference between Steve who is there – and not being there – very clearly."

"These days, Apple is doing a different campaign for a different phone, a lost opportunity," Segall told the newspaper. "They should build a personality for the phone, something that people might want to be part of because it exceeds the characteristics of the moment." He went on to argue that Tim Cook works with the advice of those around him, who are "a little vanilla."

About Segall

Segall is now an author and speake, whose work with Apple on a series of extremely successful campaigns is clearly a huge part of his public identity. His biography on Twitter describes him as "a former Apple ad-guy, speaker, blogger, creative consultant."

It is not surprising that someone who was present and who participated in the return and rise of Steve Jobs in the late 1990s idealized and celebrated that particular period of time. the history of the company and all the success that she has brought.

But the truth is that no matter what Tim Cook does, from the marketing point of view, it works. Apple is more profitable, sells more iPhones on a quarterly basis, and is far more valued under it than ever when Steve Jobs was alive and in charge of the company.

In 2002, the year in which the Think Different campaign came to an end, Apple reported a profit of $ 38 million in the first quarter on a $ 1.38 billion business figure and shipped 746,000 Macs . In the first quarter of 2018, Apple posted a profit of just over $ 20 billion, on a business turnover of $ 88.3 billion and sold 5.1 million Macs.

Yes, the marketing and advertising strategy of the company today is certainly different from what it was in the late 1990s. But why would Apple continue to use a strategy of 90's forever? Tim Cook and his team have marketed the company's products the way products are being marketed in this decade – and they've had phenomenal success in doing so. One could almost say that they thought differently.

"Shining people are there"

Ironically, Segall had some positive things to say about Apple's current leadership a few weeks ago.

Speaking at the Korea Chamber of Commerce on July 18 in Seogwipo, South Korea, Segall spoke about his work with Jobs and the legacy of the late CEO within Apple today. ; hui.

"Steve was unique and will never be replaced, so it's impossible for Apple to be the same," Segall told the House. "But I think its value is there, and bright people are here, so things are moving forward. I think innovation is happening in the same rhythm, really."

Two CEOs, Two Strategies

Tim Cook and Steve Jobs are two very different men with two very different strategic and leadership styles and two very different ideas about how best to make Apple work, and that includes the efforts of advertising and marketing of the company.

The story will probably show that each and every one of them was the best man to have run the business at the exact moment they did it. And while Steve Jobs' legacy will likely still be a part of what Apple is, Tim Cook has clearly begun to chart his own path.

Doing things differently from the way Jobs does not necessarily mean doing them wrong.

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