Apple has fattened his emoji bagel and now people are happy


The before and after emoji in Apple bagel


The greedy are very attached to their bagels. Some fans of the boiled and baked bread product were shocked by Apple's new emoji interpretation of a bagel.

Apple seems to have heard their cries of anxiety because it has just released a redesigned and more appetizing version.

Apple introduced 70 new emoji early October to go with iOS 12.1. The panoply of images includes other food products such as a salt shaker, lettuce and a cupcake, none of which attracted the same type of anger as the bagel.

Downtown Josh Brown, Twitter user, summed up Oct. 2 all the impressions on the originally illustrated bagel: "I'm organizing a walk in New York against Apple's emoji bagel." , which has just been revealed, and will come out with the next iOS update.This looks like something you get from a cardboard box in the freezer section at Walmart.This insult will not hold. "

Emojipedia has noticed the change of the beta 4 for iOS 12.1, which turns the bagel of a circle of pale dough into a richer feast covered with cream cheese.

The former Microsoft Windows division president, Steven Sinofsky, celebrated with a Twitter message: "It shows the power of the people to drive change against the rooted power structure!"

Philadelphia Cream Cheese, a popular American brand of dairy spreads, hailed the change by saying, "Hooray! Bagel lovers are all united and convinced @ Apple to turn nature #SadBagel into a delicious #HappyBagel and we celebrate it . "

A Twitter user praised the new design as "photorealistic".

The changes made to bagel emoji are a big improvement, but now we need to ask ourselves what should be done for Apple to provide delicious lox for our circular worms. This cream cheese looks terribly lonely.

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