Apple highlights Apple Pay Cash in the latest series of ads


Apple shared Thursday four small commercials touting Apple Pay Cash, the person payment solution company to anyone who allows users to send money to their friends, family and other parties with a text.

  Apple Pay Cash

The 15-second spots are part of a new series of ads titled "Just text them the money" which, as its title indicates, puts the # 39; focus on Apple Pay Cash integration with Messages.

Speed ​​and ease of use are the dominant themes in Apple's latest advertising campaign. Each ad shows what is supposed to be a real-time conversation with familiar, blue and gray text bubbles appearing on screen like on iOS or Mac. There is no accompaniment track, just the default notification sound assigned to incoming and outgoing messages.

The commercials suggest that Apple Pay Cash is a quick and easy-to-use alternative for sometimes complicated P2P systems that require users to log in and make transactions from a standalone application or from other vendors. 39, a web interface. Direct integration into messages and seamless authentication with Face ID or Touch ID mean that Apple Pay Cash users can send or request money without leaving the email interface.

An ad shows how roommates can send cash to cover rent, while another shows that a mother sends money to her grocery store after receiving a picture of an empty refrigerator.

A third advertisement features two friends, one of whom got tickets for big game. They are able to suggest a dollar amount, in this case $ 250, which is detected by the data detectors in the application, allowing the other user to simply press to send the desired funds.

Finally, a fourth announcement highlights a more advanced Apple Pay Cash feature that allows users to ask for money from a second person. In the ad, a user loses a shirt that he borrowed from a friend and tries to compensate by sending him $ 15. The article is actually $ 160, so the second user sends a request for $ 145, which can be paid by pressing "Pay" in the Apple Pay Cash text bubble.

Initially scheduled for iOS 11 last September, Apple Pay Cash was delayed by more than two months before arriving on US iPhones and iPads in December.

The person-to-person payment tool has the integration of Messages and Siri, allowing users to send money. The money received can be assigned to Apple Pay purchases or transferred from an Apple Pay Cash card to a bank account.

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