Apple iPhone XS and XS Max Reviews: expensive but durable


For those who are attracted to the XS Max, the competition becomes even more difficult. The Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus is a no-brainer because it offers a fantastic camera and a probably more stylish design. The Galaxy Note 9 is probably the biggest rival of the XS Max, if only because it allows you to do a lot more with all this screen space. If that were not enough, Google is also preparing to launch a pair of new pixels in a few weeks. Both will launch the sleek Android 9.0 Pie right out of the box, and if history is an indicator, they will bring warmth to camera performance.

Now, here's the really strange part: It could well be that the biggest competitor of the iPhone XS and XS Max could be, uh, another iPhone. The iPhone XR is expected to be launched in October, and it ships the same A12 Bionic that powers its more expensive cousins. It is, however, much cheaper: prices start at $ 729, mainly due to its cheaper aluminum frame, LCD (sorry, Liquid Retina) and unique rearview camera. I appreciate that Apple wants to make the advanced features of the iPhone accessible to as many people who wish, and I suspect that Apple will sell a lot d & # 39; them.


To say that these are the best iPhones Apple, it's not really say much, it's true for almost all versions of iPhone. That said, the iPhone XS and XS Max subtly enhance the important work that Apple began last year with the iPhone X in almost every important area. These are not just worthy successors, they are fantastic smartphones in their own right. And thanks to Apple's growing attention for machine learning and Bionic's A12 neural engine, these two phones have been designed to succeed because our smartphone software continues to become more sophisticated.

But we have to go back to our original question: does any of these new iPhones have to be a device to own? The answer really depends. If you splurged on an iPhone X last year, you could easily jump on that generation – and maybe even the next one – and not feel bad about it. To be clear, Apple did a good job here, but once you've installed iOS 12, I do not think you're missing enough to justify the costs. If you are using an older iPhone, or if you are changing a switch from Android, the value of the XS line becomes much clearer. Even so, most of you who are reading this should consider waiting for the launch of the iPhone XR next month. As long as we do not have a clearer idea of ​​how Apple's new low-cost iPhone X is positioned against these premium options, it's hard to say if the best iPhones in the company are really the best iPhones for you.

Presenter: Chris Velazco
Camera: Brian Oh
Publisher: Brian Oh

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