Apple iPhones will have 5G in 2020: report


An iPhone X.
Photo: Justin Sullivan (Getty Images)

According to a recent report, Apple products could reach Apple products as early as 2020.

Fast Company wrote this week that an "informed source of Apple's projects" indicates that a range of iPhones using the Intel 8161 5G Modem Chip is planned for 2020 and that Intel is developing a precursor chip called 8060 for testing purposes. However, the site adds that all is not well with the development process, especially with the level of heat generated by the millimeter wave signal processing:

Many mobile operators, including Verizon and AT & T in the United States, will first use the millimeter wave spectrum (between 30 and 300 GHz) to connect the first 5G phones. But the millimeter wave signal requires heavy loads from the modem chips, explains our source. This causes the release of higher than normal thermal energy levels inside the phone, to such an extent that heat can be felt outside the phone.

The problem also affects the life of the battery. The heat generated by a component of the device is always converted from the electricity stored in the battery.

Fast Company added that Apple was offended by Intel's progress in solving the heat generation problem, but that this was not enough to "reopen conversations with Qualcomm about providing 5G modems." (Apple and Qualcomm have been stuck in a high profile legal battle for some time, so it's not surprising.) However, he has contacted another provider, MediaTek, although this appears to be an emergency plan if Intel does not solve the problem.

Apple has already received permission from the Federal Communications Commission to test the technology in the millimeter wave spectrum and it has been reported that the company would upgrade Intel's Bluetooth and WiFi chips to future iPhone ranges. However, as the Fast Company noted, the technology giant's latest models only use Intel modems, and his report suggests that Apple and its CEO, Tim Cook, are not planning to cut Intel off their supply chain at any point in time. short term.

Many manufacturers are scrambling to prepare 5G devices, although the standard is only finalized in 2020 and the deployment of telecommunications is only uneven for years. As Fast Company has written, the upcoming Mobile World Congress in February 2018 is expected to see many 5G device launches. The date of 2020, which will mark a full year of catch-up in the telecommunications sector, seems almost appropriate for Apple.

[Fast Company via the Verge]

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