Apple releases the updated version of the Shortcuts app with iPad Pro support


Apple has updated its dedicated Shortcuts app for iOS 12 devices to version 2.1.1, now incorporating support for new iPad Pro models, which should be released tomorrow.

Apple 2011 and 12.9 inches 2018 iPad Pro the templates are the latest Apple devices compatible with the Shortcuts app, designed to allow you to create shortcuts and multistep automations with the help of first and third party applications that can be enabled with the help of Siri commands.

With Shortcuts, for example, you can create an automation to activate the thermostat at home using the Nest app, send a text message to your roommate stating that you're on the way with Messages and open the Maps application with return instructions only one "I get home" Siri Command pronounced when leaving work.

Shortcuts are deeply customizable. The Apple Shortcuts app provides a gallery of shortcut suggestions as well as tools to create your own.

In addition to support for the new iPad Pro templates, the 2.1.1 update introduces a long list of bugfixes, as noted in the Apple shortcuts support document.

  • Fixed an issue that caused some actions (including Send Email, Dictate Text, Execute a Scene, and Vibrate a Device) to not work when they were called Siri
  • Problem Resolved: Action Setting a flashlight caused the appearance of an error message.
  • Issue resolved: The Call action could not dial phone numbers containing special characters (such as * or #)
  • Issue resolved: The decimal numbers entered may not be correctly recognized in the locale using a comma as a decimal point.
  • Issue resolved: The photo album selected in the action Save to Photo Album could be reset to "All Photos".
  • Issue resolved: The Toggle Alarm action did not disable alarms until the "Enable" switch was turned on and off.
  • Problem solved: Speak Text action spoke with voices of inferior quality.

Shortcuts can be downloaded for free from the App Store. [Direct Link]

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