Apple removes Alex Jones' Infowars app from App Store


By Mikey Campbell
Friday, September 07, 2018, 06:44 pm PT (09:44 pm ET)

Nearly month after Apple dropped Alex Jones' podcasts from iTunes and Podcasts, the company has removed the Infowars app from the iOS App Store, completing a purge of conspiracy theorist's content from its various distribution platforms.


Apple confirmed the removal of Jones' app to BuzzFeed News on Friday, but declined to comment on the decision. Instead, the company pointed out to the App Store guidelines that prohibit "content that is offensive, insensitive, upsetting, intended to disgust, or exceptionally poor taste."

The iOS App Store is one of the last bastions for Jones, who is on the subject of Twitter, and that of Infowars, permanently banned for violating the microblogging service's abusive behavior policies.

Last month, Apple pulled five of six Infowars and Podcasts reportedly at the behest of Tim Cook's CEO and SVP of Eddy Cue's Internet Software and Services. The company drew flak, however, for keeping the Infowars app available for download through the App Store.

Explaining the decision, Apple said that while the podcast content was violated, the Infowars app did not do the same for App Store guidelines.

"We strongly support all points of view being represented on the App Store," said Apple, said Apple's App Store. time. "We continue to monitor apps for violations of our guidelines, and we have found them that we will not be able to use them."

The app is a gateway to the web site, which is one of the most popular sites in the world. Importantly, Infowars did not store that same content on its iOS app, a key consideration that likely saved it from an immediate ban in August.

Apple's removal of the Infowars podcast app to the site's iOS app, boosting its ranking among other "News" category apps from 47th to 3rd in only two days.

It appears Apple has the App Store of all reference to Infowars, as search for the title no longer yield results.

Editor's note: Due to its political nature, comments for this article have been disabled.

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