Apple removes infowars from Alex Jones from the App Store



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Alex Jones' Infowars website was removed from his App Store last Friday, eliminating one of the latest digital platforms available for the right provocateur.

The tech company has removed five Infowars-affiliated apps for violating the company's application developer guidelines, an Apple spokeswoman said. These guidelines exclude applications that offer content that is "offensive, insensitive, disturbing … or exceptionally mediocre in taste".

Infowars will not be allowed to return to the App Store, the spokeswoman said. She declined to say what content Infowars was violating Apple's policies or when the company made the decision.

The move came a day after


has permanently banned Infowars and its founder, Alex Jones, from its social media platform. This followed the previous content deletions of





Last month, Apple helped unleash the wave of content deletions related to Mr. Jones, removing Infowars lists from his podcast directories. But she has continued to offer Infowars affiliate apps in her store, claiming that she supports all views on her App Store as long as developers adhere to her guidelines.

Jones argued that Silicon Valley is scrapping its first-amendment rights and is trying to stifle conservative views.

Advocate General Jeff Sessions said this week that he was considering examining what the Justice Department has called intentional efforts to restrict voices on social media.

Write to Tripp Mickle at [email protected]

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