Apple sells its latest Touch ID compatible iPhone 8 for $ 500 refurbished


Apple started selling refurbished iPhone 8 devices for only $ 499, a deduction of $ 100 from its current price. The iPhone 8 Plus was originally placed in the Apple's online store under refurbished devices, but is currently out of stock.

A refurbished iPhone is an iPhone that has been tested and repaired by the manufacturer or merchant as needed, Digital Trends said. In general, refurbished iPhones work just as well as new phones, but have slight cosmetic damage or wear. Most people come back or sell their devices to be refurbished because they are not happy with the product or want to use the funds to save on a new device.

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In order to help customers understand the difference between the quality of each refurbished appliance, the manufacturer or merchant typically creates a filing system. Here is an example of a Digital Trends scoring system:

  • Grade A – Near the new state, the iPhone should look new.
  • Class B – Minor aesthetic damage, such as small scratches or small chips.
  • Grade C – Appearance used with obvious signs of wear.

Currently, the Gold, Silver and Space Gray editions of the upgraded 64GB iPhone 8 are available online but not the 256GB model.

The iPhone 8 is the latest Touch ID compatible device in the iPhone family, moving to Face ID with the iPhone X. Face ID has been received with mixed emotions, users being used to using their fingerprint in recent years.

Face ID also suffered from growth pains, initially having difficulty detecting faces in certain scenarios (early morning, with glasses, etc.). But the new technology would be safer than Touch ID, attracting many iPhone users worried about hacking.

The price reduction for refurbished iPhone 8 models could be attractive for companies that want to provide business phones to their employees. As Apple's latest model with the fingerprint reader, most users will probably be more comfortable and better suited to using Touch ID.

In addition, the iPhone 8 is among the best smartphones for professionals. And now, with an even more attractive price, companies should be aware of it.

Points to remember for technology leaders:

  • Apple sells refurbished 64GB iPhone 8 models for only $ 499.
  • As the latest iPhone with Touch ID, the iPhone 8 is suitable for many iPhone users and is an affordable option for businesses that want to provide work peripherals for their employees.

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Image: Jason Cipriani / ZDNet

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