Apple Stores Face Problems With iPhone and Apple Watch Pickups Worldwide – BGR


according to MacRumors Social media readers and users around the world, Apple Stores are experiencing technical problems when taking orders in-store for customers. According to the report, people with iPhone reservations and Apple Watch devices were asked to cancel their bookings and buy from the store's stock.

The problem seems to be related to Apple's point-of-sale system. Some reports indicate that a complete system crash – that is, Apple stores are actually taken out of service – while other reports indicate that they are only pre-orders and orders via the iPhone Upgrade program.

Photos of Apple Stores customer lines have been published on social networks, but it is obviously difficult to know if these are just the usual lines of the iPhone or people who are forced to wait by the problem of the system .

In addition, Apple also sent emails to some customers with iPhone reservations this morning, indicating that their orders were delayed by a "logistical" problem. Apple made no statement about the extent of the problems and what the affected customers should do. If you have a reservation for iPhone or Apple Watch that you plan to recover tonight, your only recourse seems to be to call the physical store and see what it suggests.

Image Source: ARMANDO BABANI / EPA-EFE / REX / Shutterstock

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