Apple Watch could be spared by the last round of Chinese import tariffs


By Malcolm Owen
Monday, September 17, 2018, 11:43 am, Pacific Time (2:43 pm ET)

A report claims that Apple products, including Apple Watch and AirPods, may not be subject to charges resulting from the ongoing Chinese trade war, as the product code associated with the devices is apparently excluded from the tariff plans of the Administration. Trump.

A proposal to extend the US government's import duties to China to cover the $ 200 billion worth of goods imported into the United States has already been discovered to include a number of Apple products. While previous tariff plans had not affected the company's offerings, the $ 200 billion proposal covered a long list of product codes, including those for which devices like Apple Watch and AirPod were ranked.

The Trump Administration is expected to publish a final list of product codes affected by the proposal, imposing a new 10% rate on the devices involved, according to five data sources. Bloomberg. This list could be published as early as Monday.

Two of the report's sources indicate that product codes used for Apple Watch and AirPods are not on the list, suggesting that Apple products will continue to be unaffected by commercial measures. The product code also covers a number of other similar devices, including smartwatches and fitness trackers produced by Apple's competitors.

Other Apple products under the excluded code include the HomePod headset, the Beats headset, and the Apple AirPort and Time Capsule hardware.

Earlier in September, Apple wrote to US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer stating that tariffs would hit the hardest-hit United States, not China, and lead to "lower US growth and competitiveness and lower prices". high for US consumers ". The letter maintained Apple's sentiment of a recent filing by the Securities and Exchange Commission, stating that tariffs and "other protectionist measures" could hurt the company financially.

While previously, President Donald Trump had assured Apple CEO Tim Cook that the iPhone would not be affected, he argued that there was a solution to tariff issues of Apple, namely to move China to the United States.

Even though Apple can be spared by US tariffs, the same can not be said of the Chinese government. A report released Monday says China plans to restrict "sales of materials, equipment and spare parts to US manufacturers" in retaliation for the new tariffs, if they are applied.

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