Apple Watch sales expected to remain dominant in the watch category with a 40% increase in 2019 – BGR


We will not know precisely the sales of Apple watches tomorrow when the company will unveil its latest quarterly results. However, UBS analysts have released an estimate of the sale of Apple's portable signature (narrator: "like buns"), in addition to canceling a forecast for Apple Watch's revenue growth next year.

The highlights: Apple will sell about 24 million watches this year, according to UBS forecasts. Next year, the company will also see an annual increase of 40% in the number of watches sold, this figure reaching 33 million.

UBS predicts that Apple Watch's growth will boost about 5 percent of Apple's overall revenue growth next year, which is equivalent to Apple selling around 15 million additional iPhones.

Of 9to5Mac, "The analyst firm also estimates that the price increase of the Apple Watch Series 4 with its redesigned screen will increase AppleCare sales. If the watch costs more in advance, more people will want to insure it.

"Evidence Lab, in partnership with UBS, adds that consumer interest in the Apple Watch Series 4 is" significantly higher "in Japan and Hong Kong compared to last year, while" slightly higher "in the US United States, France and Great Britain. The report notes that the availability for Apple Watch Series 4 has not improved much since its launch, which was quickly resolved for Apple Watch Series 3, which is a positive sign for the application. "

At the same time, the UBS report hints that Apple has the opportunity to gain more watch fans, since more than 50% of shoppers surveyed said they did not want to buy a smart watch right now. Apple or any device manufacturer. Apple could certainly try to convince these fans, provided that they do not make the weight against the smart watch of their rivals if they decide to take the plunge and give in to the idea of ​​a portable garment.

It should also be noted that Apple's quarterly performance data for tomorrow will be the first three-month reporting period including the Watch Series 4, available for sale on September 21st. And if Apple will not talk about specific watch sales figures, it will be interesting to see what the company has to say about the outlook for the upcoming quarter.

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