Apple Watch Series 4: I've walked it for 6 hours in a row so you do not have to do it


Apple Watch Series 4 showing heart rate.

Sarah Tew / CNET

If you want to buy an Apple Watch Series 4, you've probably already heard of his new EKG feature and fall detection, but hopefully you will not have to use both of these features daily. What you can use regularly are its fitness features.

The Apple Watch Series 4 has added better workout tools for athletes, automatic detection of workouts and competitions to motivate you to close these arenas of activity.

Reading in progress:
Look at this:

The Apple Watch Series 4 delivers on its fitness promises


But these are mostly software features that you can get on its cheaper predecessors (Series 1 and up) with the WatchOS 5 update. The cheapest 40mm model, with LTE-free aluminum frame, starts at $ 400, $ 120 more than model 3. (For international prices, see our Apple Watch Series 4 reviews.)

After testing the Apple Watch Series 4 alongside the 3 Series for about three weeks, I found two major advantages over its predecessors: screen size and battery life. .


John Kim / CNET

Bigger, fatter, better

The first thing I noticed while taking the Apple Watch Series 4, is how easy it was to read the numbers. It's one of those things you'll never notice until everything has been improved, and I suddenly found it easier to track my heart rate and check my pace and distance, without having to squint in front of the screen and risk tripping.

Series 4 has undergone a complete overhaul from previous Apple Watch models. The screen has grown from 38mm to 40mm (for the smallest version) and from 42mm to 44mm (for the largest). Plus, the glasses are thinner, so you get a lot more screen space on your wrist, even if the body of the watch is not much bigger. This means that all your data (including activity statistics) appears larger and more daring on Series 4, which makes all the difference when you are on the move.

The Apple Series 4 watch also has a slightly thinner body than its predecessor and I found that the little belly of the sensor located below feels more comfortable when it is attached around my wrist.


John Kim / CNET

Battery life

However, the battery life is the focus of the Apple Watch Series 4. Apple says it can last up to 6 hours in outdoor activity monitoring, against about 4 hours with the series 3. C is still much less than other specialized trackers on the market, such as those of Garmin and Polar. but it's a big boost for distance athletes who are considering an Apple Watch.

During the first week of testing, I did not notice much difference in the battery life between the Apple Watch 4 and 3. I end the day with about 40% remaining battery life. of the Watch 4 after a day of normal use. and maybe an hour of activity tracking thrown out there. Bottom line: I still had to recharge it every day, so I was skeptical about the 6 o'clock claim.

To test it, I took the Apple Watch Series 4 and 3 during a 6-hour hike on Mount Tamalpais, about an hour from San Francisco.

Both watches were 100% off when I got out of the car on the parking lot at the start of the trail near Stinson Beach, California. Before I started, I put both in airplane mode at full brightness, with the Series 4 at my left wrist and the Series 3 at my right, and I started a hiking session.


John Kim / CNET

The hike from Stinson Beach to the top of the mountain is quite steep. You start among the redwoods, cross a stream with a few waterfalls along the way and there is even a point where you have to climb a ladder to continue. So, although my pace was not very fast, I was constantly using GPS, altimeter and heart rate.

At the time of play, I stopped to check the battery level and take a few snapshots of the screens: Series 3 was 75% and Series 4 at 87%.

Three hours later, I reached the top and took a sandwich while walking (stopping was not an option for my test). Series 3 was 25% while Series 4 was strong at 65%. At that time, I started to worry about having to stay on the mountain after sunset.

I knew the descent would be faster, so I went on some other trails upstairs to kill before starting my descent. After exactly 4 hours, I received a low battery alert on Series 3. I rejected it and I continued, and then I saw all my progress disappearing. the screen when the old watch is switched to the reserve reserve. Meanwhile, the 4 series was still solid with around 45% battery.

At this point, he had already won, but I insisted on seeing how long it would last.


John Kim / CNET

Six hours and 20 minutes, 12.75 miles and 2,570 feet of altitude later, I finally decided to call one day and stop the hike. I still had about 5% battery on the Apple Watch Series 4. After deactivating the activity tracking, I had enough energy to take me back to the car and go home a hour before switching to Power Reserve.

It goes without saying that Apple has responded to the 6 hour activity request, and then to others. Of course, I had no activated cell signal and I was not playing music, but the brightness was maximum and the output of the 3 series was greater than 2 full hours. This means that Series 4 can probably help you get through a full marathon.

And while battery enhancement is primarily for activity tracking, it may be worthwhile upgrading it for athletes.

But if you do not plan to sign up for marathons or 6-hour hikes, many fitness improvements are still available on older models.

WatchOS 5 makes the Apple Watch a best workout friend

With the updated to WatchOS 5, the Apple Watch can now detect your workout pace, whether or not you have decided to warn it. Within minutes of starting, you receive an alert and a vibration inviting you to start tracking. The latter continues to move until you accept or return it. If you accept half of your session, you will get retroactive credit for everything you did until you receive the alert.

And he knows what kind of activity you do. I have not tried all these products, but it is theoretically possible to distinguish between running (inside or outside), walking (indoor or outdoor), swimming (open or pool), elliptical and rower, although there is no bike yet. It also knows when you finish a workout and reminds you to end your session with a boost and a notification, regardless of the type of exercise you do.

It's a feature that Fitbit devices have been offering for a long time, but it's nice to finally be able to have it on Apple Watch.

The only complaint I would make is that he kept wanting to save my walk to work as a race. The first two times, I gave a pass, because I was legitimately running, but I thought that after a week I had ignored it, I would realize that I did not I was not really running, I was walking fast and I was running between two fires.


John Kim / CNET

Yoga tracking

In addition to hiking, WatchOS 5 has added yoga to the list of activities you can select from Watch. You can always follow in the Others category and then label accordingly in the Activity application. However, having a designated category means that the tracking algorithm is customized for that specific sport.

The activities followed in the Others category are followed in the same way as a brisk walk and I noticed that she is now recording more calories burned during the hikes (not just those of 6 hours).

Training tools for runners

If you are a runner like me, you also have a new set of tools to help you reach your personal best. You can now keep up with the pace (not the minute) and the mileage while driving (how fast you have traveled the previous kilometer) while you beat the sidewalk. My favorite feature is the Cadence Alert, which makes the watch vibrate when you lean below or above your pace. This has definitely prevented me from going on my usual 4 mile run and I can really see it being beneficial for the races.

You can also race against your friends. WatchOS 5 adds a series of competitions to the Sharing tab of the Activity app by allowing you to challenge your friends at a closing competition of the seven-day cycle.

You get one point for every percentage of the ring that you finish. The winner receives a unique prize to your competition.

Let's be honest, if you share your business with your friends, you're probably already getting a little competitive on it. I know I was. It's just a way for Apple to make it official and raise the stakes. This has certainly motivated me to step up my game and close my movement rings more often than before, but I am also obsessed with the idea of ​​winning this virtual medal for those seven days.

The verdict

Like its predecessors, the Apple Watch Series 4 is a fitness companion worthy of all levels. The longer battery and the better screen are a great motivation for long-distance runners waiting to dive into an Apple Watch or just looking to upgrade an older model. But 6 hours of follow-up are still far behind other dedicated fitness watches that can last several days.

The biggest asset of the Apple Watch is that it is not limited to the physical condition. Added cellular connectivity means you can leave your phone behind while retaining the essentials: music, messages, calls or car service.

And with the 4 Series, you get new features like ECG, irregular heart rate notifications, and fall detection. Be sure to review our review (currently underway) before making a final decision.

Originally released on October 11th.
Update of October 14th: Added more details about notifications at the end of workouts.

Apple Watch Series 4 review in progress: Our impressions up here.

New ECG function of Apple Watch: Take cardiac monitoring to the next level.

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