Apple will not soon introduce an iPhone 5G


Almost all major players in the wireless industry are trying to find a way to integrate 5G technology as quickly as possible into their devices. For example, next month, we're expecting Verizon's 5G Home Wireless Broadband service, while LG and Sprint look forward to sending the first smartphone to use this next generation technology.

However, a company remains unresponsive in the go-getters cavalcade and this company is calling Apple. This titan of consumer electronics released last Wednesday three new iPhones and a new version of the Apple Watch, but it will certainly choose to stay out of the 5G competition, at least in the foreseeable future. Until now, it is still not clear that the new cellular technology will reach the iPhone by 2020.

Apple is the kind of company that likes to take the time to understand new technologies before deciding to integrate them into its products. It stayed behind even when its Android competitors adopted solutions such as wireless charging or mobile payments and it stayed behind for at least a generation when everyone started adopting 3G and 4G cellular capabilities. That's why the majority of industry analysts expect the same kind of delay with 5G, even though the technology is getting closer to reality.

Ian Fogg, an analyst at OpenSignal, who is busy collecting and analyzing data from various mobile networks, says 5G is coming in a little faster than expected. If Apple decides to stand aside and take the road on the right track, it may be that this is the only company to do it or at least one of the few to choose to follow such scenario. The rest of them will probably immediately adopt 5G, which is the next generation of wireless technology supposed to change the world.

In addition to the hype and rumors surrounding 5G, its responsiveness, increased speed and ability to control multiple devices that do not include your phone can change our way of life. It is thanks to this level of enthusiasm that follows the 5G that companies ranging from telecom equipment manufacturers such as Nokia to wireless operators like T-Mobile and Verizon, or smartphone manufacturers like Samsung, will be able to own them. to boast.

The fact that Apple can afford to incorporate 5G technology is further proof that the California tech giant does not need help to generate its own hype. Of course, the launch of its new, more expensive iPhones took place earlier this week. Until now, the company was not available to comment.

5G iPhone

At its launch almost 10 years ago, the original iPhone represented a huge step forward for smartphones. With its full browser features and touch screen interface, among other features, it completely changed the idea of ​​the appearance and behavior of a smartphone. All that was included worked enormously, in addition to its slow connection. At present, when we live in a 4G world, waiting for the next evolution, it is easy to forget that ten years ago, iPhones were running on a 2G radio. A website load took forever and you felt the network in trouble.

Even then, other companies opted for the 3G upgrade which was noticeably faster. Apple waited a year before deciding to incorporate new technology into its devices, especially the iPhone 3G. Years later, when the 4G LTE was available, Apple did it again, waiting for 2013 to release the iPhone 5 that included the upgrade. It was more than two years later, after Verizon introduced its first batch of smartphones with 4G.

Last year, while almost all Android smartphones had opted for supersonic LTE Gigabit speeds, Apple said "switch" on this technology, preferring to release the iPhone X, 8 Plus and iPhone 8 with only 4G. This year, Apple has chosen to include Gigabit LTE in its iPhone XR, XS and XS Max. The company chose to bet on the mature 4G network instead of playing on the new 5G technology.

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