Apple wins the reverse of patent loss from the University of Wisconsin


(Reuters) – Apple Inc. on Friday persuaded a federal appeals court to pay $ 234 million in compensation for the University of Wisconsin's patent licensing division for violating the school's patent on computer technology.

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The US Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, DC, stated that no reasonable juror could have concluded that Apple's processors had violated the patent, based on evidence presented during the company's liability phase. 2015 trial.

He said Apple deserved a court ruling in the case presented by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, known as WARF.

Apple's and WARF's lawyers did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

WARF had sued Apple in 2014, claiming that processors were fighting in Apple's iPhone 5s, 6 and 6 Plus were violating a patent describing a way to improve processor performance by predicting instructions that device usages would give.

About $ 213 million of the verdict was based on the finding that Apple was vicariously liable for the Apple brand products manufactured by Samsung Electronics Co.

In July 2017, Judge William Conley of the United States in Madison, Wisconsin, sentenced Apple to pay $ 272 million in damages for a total of $ 506 million.

Report by Jonathan Stempel in New York; Montage of Marguerita Choy

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