Apple would have its LG OLED screens to reduce its reliance on Samsung


Apple may soon use LG as an alternative supplier for its OLED panels used in its iPhone X devices, reported anonymous sources Bloomberg .

Having LG as a secondary supplier will help the OLED technology giant to display faster and reduce costs. Previously, Apple relied solely on Samsung to provide its OLED displays, which meant that the South Korean company could charge higher premiums because it had a monopoly.

Bloomberg reports that LG will provide between 2 million and 4 million OLED screens in the initial agreement, while it is trying to increase its capacity . For comparison, Samsung's initial agreement with Apple was to manufacture about 100 million OLED screens to be used in the production of the iPhone X.

The name of LG appeared in reports on the search for a second supplier by Apple, the South Korean company returning to production OLED screens. the V30. But the quality of the V30 screen is not as good as that of Samsung's OLED screens in its Galaxy smartphones, and LG's smaller production capacity was well known.

Meanwhile, Samsung has not really taken advantage of its OLED Provider position for Apple either. In February, Samsung should have reduced its production of OLED after selling less iPhone X devices than expected, and it was also looking for the market for other customers beyond Apple. If the sources are correct and that Apple connects with LG, the agreement could help the three companies reduce their dependence on a few connections.

Apple did not immediately respond to comments.

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