Apple’s Jony Ive Designed an Exclusive $150,000 Diamond Ring


Jony Ive is known for his work designing computers and iPhones. However, Apple’s Chief Design Officer recently worked with industrial design Marc Newson on something a little different: a diamond ring.

Unlike most diamond rings that have a metal band made of gold or silver, Ive decided to “think different” and instead created the entire ring out of diamonds. Rather than being sold in a jewelry store, the one-of-a-kind ring will be sold exclusively at a Sotheby’s auction in December, a (RED) Auction to raise funds to help eliminate HIV/AIDS in eight African countries.

The ring will be made to fit the buyer. Just as the design is unique, the ring’s construction will also be a bit unusual.

“The diamond block will be faceted with several thousand facets, some of which are as small as several hundred micrometers. The interior ring will be cylindrically cut out for the desired smoothness using a micrometer thick water jet inside which a laser beam is cast,” reads the ring’s description on Sotheby’s auction site. “The finished ring will have between 2000–3000 facets which has never been seen before on a single piece.”

The auction will be held on Dec. 5th in Miami. The ring is expected to sell for between $150,000 and $250,000.

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