As a result of the controversy surrounding Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar tells employees that overtime is not mandatory


The highly anticipated Red Dead Redemption 2 is expected this week, but Rockstar is striving to thwart an unexpected controversy. After commenting on 100-hour work weeks, the studio repeatedly tried to tell fans that it was not expecting such long hours from anyone. Now he would have sent this message to his own employees as well.

Variety reports that Rockstar held a meeting Friday to tell its employees that overtime is not mandatory, although it is occasionally requested and planned. Jennifer Kolbe of Rockstar said the meeting was meant to dispel any misconceptions about what was expected of employees.

"Some people said that they thought it was actually mandatory because it was what was expected of them." In light of the discussion around this issue, we brought together the team today to make sure it's clear that OT work is not mandatory, "she said. "We also strive to make the schedule of all occupational therapists more flexible (that is," work when it suits you ")."

Rockstar Lincoln reportedly worked the longest hours approaching the launch of Red Dead Redemption 2, with weeks exceeding 60-70 hours. The meeting came to light after Flik Green, animation assistant at Rockstar North, spoke about it on social media. She then added that when she was working at Lincoln as a quality assurance tester, her colleagues and colleagues had never assumed that overtime was optional – but the environment at North had been very different, with more standard hours and little overtime.

The controversy began when co-founder Dan Houser mentioned several weeks of weekly work in 2018. He then clarified that he was referring only to the top editorial team, including himself. . the expectations put on the developers.

Rockstar encouraged his employees to talk about their own experiences, and many told anecdotes about their stay in the company. Many anecdotes revealed that the studio was experiencing difficulties, but that the environment had improved over the years and that it was not as extreme as 100-hour weeks.

Red Dead Redemption 2 arrives on October 26th. For more details, consult our pre-order guide.

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