Asaii, the music analysis company, acquired by Apple


Apple has acquired Asaii, a music analysis company that claims to be able to identify future successful artists ten weeks before embarking on the rankings.

The company announced in September that it would close, but it gave no explanation at that time – although an acquisition is suspected …


The news was announced by Axios, which notes that its source was confirmed by LinkedIn profiles, including that of the founder Sony Theakanath, who now lists his employer as "Apple Music at Apple".

Axios suggests that this can help Apple's streaming music service to directly sign the artists.

In addition to strengthening content recommendations to users, Apple is also interested in Asaii, as it can help it compete with Spotify's efforts to work directly with a smaller artist, such as a music label, Axios has learned. .

Ally music was also able to confirm the acquisition.

The transaction was confirmed to Music Ally by the company's first investor.

"As the first investors in Asaii, we are extremely excited about their recent acquisition by Apple, and will have the opportunity to significantly increase their impact and further develop their vision for the future of the music industry." said Cameron Baradar, founder of The House, said Music Ally.

The most obvious reason for Apple's interest is to improve the recommendations for Apple's Apple Music.

At Midemlab, Theakanath talked about a product called Asaii Recommend, which could create custom algorithmic reading lists, as well as recommend songs and playlists to people based on their listening habits.

But Ally music supports the Axios signal that there is more than that.

Theakanath spoke about another product in Asaii during his speech at Midemlab in June: a tool he described as an "A & R Automated Web Platform" for labels, managers and marketers. promoters trying to identify the breaking artists as early as possible.

Theakanath claimed that it could "identify emerging artists 10 weeks prior to appearing in the charts" by analyzing streaming service data including Spotify and SoundCloud, with a 70-30 spread success rate, a 70% success forecast. the weather.

"A hit is considered a person on whom you can sign and make a profit, or who jumps on a major playlist," he said.

Spotify already works directly with independent artists without labels. It is not surprising that Apple Music does the same.

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