Assassin's Creed Odyssey is not all about what you might think


The Assassin & # 39; s Creed franchise has always been a mix of three different stories. There is the story of today, historical history Assassins vs.. Templars, as well as the story of Those who came before – Isu – and the creation of their pieces of Eden. Before Assassin's Creed Odyssey, the franchise brought these three stories together into a playable story in each of its games. However, the latest title of Ubisoft divides its campaign into three separate parts.

As a result, beating the main campaign of Assassin's Creed Odyssey – the story of Kassandra or Alexios – and watching the latest cutscene are not the end. The quest for Kassandra and Alexios ends, but the end of today 's tale and Isu' s story can only be opened by performing some optional quests. In total, Assassin's Creed Odyssey includes three "final" cinematics, and both options are pretty easy to miss. Read ahead to make sure you do not do it.

The rest of this article looks at several features and missions of Assassin's Creed Odyssey in the middle and end of the game. If you have not at least completed episode 7 of the game – you would have unlocked the "Legend in the Making" trophy – then come back if you do not want to be spoiled. If you are at least at this point, do not worry. We will not go into detail about what are the three ends of Odyssey or the serious implications of some of them. This is just a guide to knowing how to achieve these ends.

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First story – Odyssey

This is the first scenario that you unlock in the game, and probably the first one you will complete. The main story of the game – since it focuses mainly on the quest for Kassandra and Alexios to reunite their family – Odyssey is the only obligatory narrative to finish to beat Assassin's Creed Odyssey , which will result in the credits of the game.

Odyssey's story can end in different ways depending on your actions throughout the game. The people you've saved, the targets you've killed, and the dialogue options you've chosen determine one of the following: nine different conclusions drawn from the story of Kassandra and Alexios. However, if you would like to know what happens to some other characters, both in ancient Greece and nowadays, as well as the links that unite Assassin's Creed Odyssey to the rest of the franchise, you have to finish the game two optional stories.

Scenario Two – Hunt Kosmos Worship

You will discover the Kosmos cult relatively early in the Odyssey plot, then it splits into a separate quest series called Hunt The Cult Of Kosmos. Excerpts from this story will enter Odyssey throughout the game, but to complete Hunt The Cult of Kosmos, you will have to perform many optional assassination missions.

Complete Hunt The Cult Of Kosmos opens an additional cinematic that completes the current narrative. The story of Layla and her companions remains pretty open at the end of the game. If you want to see what happens next, you'll have to finish Hunt The Cult Of Kosmos. To do this, you will have to kill the cult leader, known as The Ghost of Kosmos.

Accessing The Ghost is not as simple as the other targets of the game. There are eight branches of followers, seven of whom have six members and the last one only one. You will need to follow clues to discover the identity of each lower-ranking member, find each one, and kill them; it's the only way to learn the identity of the sages that they serve. Each of the eight Sages hides a clue to Ghost's identity, so once you've dealt with them, you can attack the cult's brain.

You will have to be at a high level – between 48 and 50 years old – and have very good armor and good weapons to deal with the most powerful members of the sect. Due to the length of the Kosmos cult hunt, there is a good chance that you will complete the other two scenarios first, but the order does not matter. Some members of the sect are relatively weak – between levels 15 and 20 – so you can begin to search for their identity while completing the other two scenarios and come back later to kill all high ranking cultists after Kassandra / Alexios is become stronger.

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Third scenario – Between two worlds

The final cutscene is unlocked by completing the third narrative, Between Two Worlds, which is only available once you've discovered the lost city of Atlantis during the Odyssey scenario. Between two worlds is the shortest story of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but it's probably the most difficult.

To complete it, you will have to defeat four mythological creatures of the world. Three of them – the Minotaur, the Cyclops and Medusa – are some of the toughest boss battles in the game. The fourth, the Sphinx, is a series of challenging puzzles. Between two worlds, you'll start three-quarters of Odyssey's course, but you'll probably still need to raise your level a bit before starting this scenario.

However, you really want to finish between two worlds. The four mythological creatures represent some of the most fascinating parallel quests, incredible fights and clever puzzles throughout the game. Plus, the cinematic you win to complete the plot provides both answers and other questions to the Isu, to the Pieces of Eden and what could be in the next DLC of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, The Fate of Atlantis.

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