Assassin's Creed Odyssey: release date, review, duration and all you need to know


So much has already been said about Assassin's Creed Odyssey before its release Oct. 5 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. But here we have all the basics covered on the last entry of the series in one place. We will review many of the more general features of Odyssey and review the basics of what you need to know before you get started. Everything from stories to fighting tips is presented below, with links to more detailed guides if you want to dig deeper. Note that there are no major spoilers in this article.

When and where is Odyssey set?

You probably know that the Assassin's Creed Odyssey takes place in ancient Greece, but it specifically covers the Peloponnesian War fought between Athens and Sparta. The game opens with a 300almost heroic battle scene where you take control of King Leonidas of Sparta during the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BCE, before moving to the beginning of the protagonist's story almost 50 years later, in 431 BC .

Greece offers breathtaking views.
Greece offers breathtaking views.

If you follow Odyssey since its first release at E3 2018, you will know then that you can choose between playing the role of principal female and male; Kassandra and Alexios are both sides of the same room and play exactly the same way. The main differences are, of course, the game of voice and the character model. Your choice also slightly affects the story; whatever you choose to play is meant to be the big brother of both. You belong to the Spartan lineage, but the game does not require you to line up on either side of the war since you are a mercenary trying to find out the truth about your family's disappearance.

Distinguished Greek figures such as Socrates and Hippocrates appear throughout the Odyssey and you can interact with them during their parallel quests. Although historical fiction has always been the foundation of the Assassin's Creed tradition, it has never been afraid to incorporate the supernatural. Odyssey goes even further by opposing mythology itself. An example is a fight against Medusa where you try to avoid turning yourself into stone.

Catch up on the nightmare of Assassin's Creed

It's a franchise that has been around for a long time, but Odyssey may be a good place to get into the series. Knowledge of previous events is not necessarily necessary to enjoy the new game. However, if you need a reminder about everything that has happened so far, make sure you to read our summary of the story of Assassin's Creed.

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How long is Odyssey?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is not surprising: his open world is about twice as big as Origins. This may seem less daunting if you consider that the Mediterranean Sea occupies a large part of the map and that you will spend a lot of time navigating the high seas. However, there is still a lot of way to go on the Greek mainland and on several islands.

Regarding the duration of the game, it is difficult to obtain a precise range, because each player will engage in a variable number of quests and optional activities. It is estimated that about 50 hours were devoted to the completion of the main story and to a decent number of related activities. GameSpot editor Alessandro Fillari has spent 60 hours with the game for criticism, and still has more optional content to take.

The novelty in the franchise is the exploration mode. Instead of having waypoints and goal markers on the screen of the traditional guided mode, the exploration mode allows you to determine where to go to perform quests. This means that you will need to pay more attention to the dialogue between NPCs and take a closer look at the environment.

This is especially true if you take the optional quest to hunt down a cult organization. They form a network of mysterious personalities with hidden identities scattered throughout Greece. You will have to investigate to locate and murder them. Sometimes you remove them in the middle of a secondary mission in which they are involved, but you will often need to look for clues to their location, whether or not you have activated the Exploration mode.

Fight with style

Odyssey relies on the Origins battle system, but introduces some key changes. Shields are no longer an option, which naturally drives fights at a faster pace. The skill tree remains divided into three categories assigned to specific game styles (Hunter, Warrior, and Assassin), but it introduces exciting new abilities. You may think that Spartan Kick is in the game just for kicking and laugh until you realize it's super effective at knocking down enemies off cliffs or creating space in the fighting. Rushed assassination is another appropriate technique that allows you to put the Leonidas Spear to use when dying by stealth over long distances.

The skill tree includes several abilities that allow you to tinker with different character builds.
The skill tree includes several abilities that allow you to tinker with different character builds.

In addition to several types of melee weapons (such as handguns, swords and masses), you have a bow that is both useful for attacking ranged enemies and inflicting status effects. The Arrow Master skill unlocks arrows that can poison, paralyze or explode at impact, opening up many opportunities for combat. combine that with devastating Fire and your projectiles will be even more powerful. The skill tree may be overwhelming at first, but we have some tips on how to master the capabilities and how to use them intelligently.

Do not worry about min-maxing in the skill tree; you can respec at any time for a small fee. This gives you the opportunity to experiment with different approaches to combat and character builds.

Set sail in the Mediterranean

With several islands scattered across Greece, Odyssey focuses on sailing and naval combat, essentially taking a page from the Black Flag book. By engaging with hostile ships, you will shoot arrows, throw waves of javelins, or use the ram to inflict damage. Once the health of an enemy ship is exhausted, you can reduce it in exchange for a small reward or board it with your crew to get better loot. If you board the ship, you will have to get your hands dirty and fight the opposing crew.

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The size, health and strength of enemy ships vary. So be sure to know what to face before you commit. Throughout Odyssey, you will improve your ship and recruit fellow missionaries as a result of fluid dialogue quests or interactions. Different crew members offer bonuses and attributes specific to your ship.

Play your role

Odyssey doubles the elements of RPG. There is a leveling, skill trees, equipment scores, and many optional quests, which have been implemented in Origins, but the series plunges for the first time into history filaments branched. Dialogue trees imbue character interactions and your actions, whether good or bad, will suffer the consequences. The way you decide to carry out certain quests will affect the resulting narrative and can also be found in the details of other quest lines; do not be surprised if there are unintended consequences and collateral damage.

With the branching dialog comes romance options. You are free to initiate as many characters as you want, and the circumstances in which you will like them may change depending on other decisions. Most often, these partners will be part of the crew of your ship, which can be an unceremonious conclusion to the love interests. However, these scenarios can unfold in a strange way and you can see for yourself how much romance can be embarrassing or forced.

By its very nature, it is a role play that takes into account choice and consequences; Assassin's Creed Odyssey ends with several purposes; nine to be precise. Unfortunately, you will find it hard to see them all in one game, as key decisions made early in the game will affect the outcome.

You now have more agency in the way the story unfolds through branch dialogue and quest decisions.
You now have more agency in the way the story unfolds through branch dialogue and quest decisions.

Different versions, special editions and DLC

Assassin's Creed Odyssey will be available soon, but you can still pick up the pre-order bonuses offered. A pre-order from the Ubisoft store gives you access to the Blind King mission, Best Buy gives you a $ 10 reward certificate, and GameStop includes the Blind King mission and a Spartan helmet keychain. In addition to the standard edition of the game, there is a Deluxe Edition ($ 80) that includes a boost of XP and drachmas (cash in play), the Kronos and Herald of Dusk equipment pack and the naval pack Capricornus. The Gold Edition ($ 110) brings together the DLC season card, the Secrets of Greece and Blind King bonus missions and lets you start playing now. The Ultimate Edition ($ 120) includes all the aforementioned content from the Deluxe and Gold editions. There are some other special editions containing collection statues that you can read in our pre-order guide.

For PC gamers, make sure your system is powerful enough for the game to work properly. If you're aiming for 4K resolution with high settings, Ubisoft recommends a system with at least one AMD Ryzen 1700X or Intel Core i7-7700 processor, AMD Vega 64 or Nvidia GTX 1080 video card and 16GB RAM. For those who do not practice 4K, be sure to read the minimum and recommended PC specifications for smooth running of AC Odyssey.


You can read or watch our article on Assassin's Creed Odyssey right now; Editor-in-chief Alessandro Fillari concluded: "The ambition of Assassin's Creed Odyssey is admirable, which is reflected in the wealth of his attention to detail for the time and his approach multifaceted storytelling management with powerful protagonists in mind.With over 50 hours of use – sometimes boring, and some features do not have the expected effect, Odyssey advance to big not in his huge and dynamic world, and it's a pleasure to venture out and leave his mark on his ever-changing frame of mind. "To know the views of other critics on the game, you can read our summary review.

All our Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey Blanket

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